chapter 8

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Waking up the next morning I was more than ready. I didn't even have a plan put together but after the talk I had with myself last night on the way home I didn't need one. I just needed her to make one move. Maybe after talking to her she would fess up to what she's been doing.

I finished getting ready and decided it would be better for us to meet after my parents left to go to work. With everything that has been happening they have been taking time off but it was time for everything to get back to normal. I didn't need them to worry about me anymore, it was time to take matters into my own hands.

I kissed both of my parents as they made their way out and I got to work. I texted Kristina and told her that it was okay for her to come and that I was finally up, it was around 12:30 and I told her I had a crazy day yesterday so nothing seemed off. Once she got here I gave her some food and we sat down and watched t.v. like everything was normal. I kept trying to find something to show me that she was different but everything was the same.

Her smile seemed so genuine and her laugh seemed like she didn't have a care in the world and it made me think. I know Jennifer doesn't have any reason to lie to me and her story seemed to be adding up and with the copies going missing the day before I just couldn't help but think that it could be true.

"So how did yesterday go? What was so crazy about it?" She shifted her attention towards me and smiled.

"Well she said that Ethan approached her a while ago and that they started talking from there." I couldn't do it. I couldn't tell her that I knew what she did. It just wasn't coming out. No matter how much I tried to push myself to say it. This was the time for everything to unfold.

"Interesting. What else happened?"

She did seem a little antsy I'll say that much. Maybe she did speak to Jennifer about me and wants to figure out if Jennifer shared the news back to me. That would be the only thing that makes sense.

"Nothing really me and Patrick ended up getting into a fight."

"You didn't go with him?"

"I did but he just didn't seem to happy with what I asked her."

"What do you mean?"

"It was a lot of things about me and Ethan. Maybe it just came off as disrespectful."

"Well I can understand where he's coming from.. He is your boyfriend and you were asking about your ex."

"Speaking of boyfriends, how's Tyler?"

"Huh?" She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me as if she had no clue to who I was talking about.

"Tyler.. your boyfriend remember you told me that you guys started talking." Now it was time for me to furrow my eyebrows. Did she lie?

"Yeah, well we haven't been talking, I got so caught up in this and school and work I don't have that much time for him anymore." She mustered out.

"I don't want to be the reason for your break up. I'm happy for you."

"It's fine. Once all this is over we'll have more than enough time to be back together."

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