chapter 10

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Patrick's POV

Brooklyn sounded off on the phone. I don't know what it was but she just did. Checking the time I realized that it's nearly been an hour since Brooklyn has been back and I knew something was wrong.

I walked downstairs to her parents to ask them if Brooklyn has been back and they said no. I rushed back upstairs to her room to see that everything was in the same spot. I walked over to her desk and seen a note. I instantly got chills and thought about the first time I came home to one of her notes.


Pulling up to the driveway to the apartment, I rushed inside to see everything looked the same. It had to be a joke. She wouldn't just leave me like that.

I walked inside our room and opened up her drawers to find all of her things missing. I started to panic and picked up my phone again dialing her number only for it to go to voicemail.

"Pick up. Please pick up."

I dialed it a few more times and the outcome remained the same. I went to the computer and looked through the history to see that she purchased a ticket to Port Land.

"She's trying to go back home."

I rushed back to my car as soon as I realized and jumped in making my way to the train station.

I couldn't help but panic on the way there. What would make her do this? What could make her think that she was hurting me? I loved her and I meant it.

I got to the station and checked the board only to realize that her train already left and realized that it was too late. She was gone..


Snapping out of my trance I looked down at the letter and read that she went to meet with Kristina to confront her on her own and how she regrets bringing me into this. I crushed it up and threw it against the wall before running downstairs.

"We have to go."

"Patrick? What's going on?" Brooklyn's mom stood up from the couch, her father following not too long after.

"Brooklyn went to meet with Kristina. I need to go to the police."

We all got into the car and I pulled off to the station before running inside. They brought us to Detective Phil and I told him everything.

"If we track her phone number then maybe we can pick up a location."

A few minutes after we picked up and location and the police made their way to the cars before taking the lead and calling for back up.

Soon after we all got into the car and followed the police to where she was going. I just hoped she was safe..

Brooklyn's POV

Pulling up to the empty lot I grabbed my things and got out of the car. I adjusted my phone that was in my pocket and left it recording. I was beyond nervous, this was my last chance to get out of this. I slowly walked towards the front door of the building and opened it up. "Hello?"

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