chapter 5

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I didn't know what to say or do. I wanted to say something but I couldn't. What if they were really convinced that I was the one that did something to him. I haven't even seen him in months.

"Okay.." I hesitantly got up and grabbed my jacket before making my way downstairs to the car. The police officer put me in the back and we made our way to the station with my parents following close behind. Kristina came along with us as we made our way to the police station. I got out the car and went inside to the front desk.

I followed him to the back by myself. He placed me in a room and walked out leaving me alone by myself. I would've never pictured this. I only see most of this stuff in t.v. shows. My life turned into one big lifetime movie. I started to fiddle with my thumbs waiting for someone to come.

A man walked through the door and sat across from me laying his file on the table. I fixed my posture and looked at him, waiting to see what he was going to say. He pulled out a paper and started to read it before talking.

"Hello Brooklyn, I'm Detective Phil and i'm covering Ethan's case."

"Okay so why am I here?"

"You ran away with Ethan correct? Almost three years ago?"

"Yeah I did."

"Where did you guys leave and go?"


"Why there?"

"What does this have to do with anything? I ran away with him three years ago, he's just now being reported as missing."

"He's been missing for almost a month. His parents just recently decided to go public."

"I wasn't with him."

"You weren't here with your parents either so where could you have been?"

"I was living with a friend."

"Does your friend have a name?"

"I'd prefer not to say." He was starting to get on my nerves. The questions were asking didn't even make any sense on how they're relevant.

"If you don't give us a name and some proof that you were with him then you can be going to jail."

"Jail for what? You said he's missing not dead. You can't arrest me for that."

"I make the rules, therefore I can arrest you for what I want. Now give me a name."

"Patrick. Patrick Watson."

"When exactly did you leave to be with Patrick?"

"Two months ago. Soon to be three."

"What made you leave?"

"Patrick took me from Ethan because of the abuse." I mumbled. Even though Ethan was missing or in whatever he was in I didn't want him getting into trouble with the police.

"Abuse? There'a no report made against him on that."

"I left him in Seattle, how was I suppose to know he would end up missing. I've only been home for four days." I rolled my eyes which caused him to smirk.

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