chapter 3

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"Good morning." I smiled at my parents before making my way to the kitchen. My mom was making breakfast and my dad was too busy reading the newspaper per usual. My mom smiled and returned the saying before handing me a plate with food.

"Did you have any plans today?"

"I have to meet with the therapist at four."

"What about other then that. Did you want to meet with any other friends?"

"No, why would I want to do that?" Eyeing my mom suspiciously I sat down at the table. By now my dad made his way over after getting his plate. Smiling my mom shrugged and stepped over to us as well.

"Well you're back in town wouldn't you want to see all your friends from high school?"

I decided not to say anything back before this turned into something ugly. My dad looked over the both of us and chuckled before eating his food. I know that he found this pretty funny now that me and her were on talking terms again.

I ate some of the food on my plate and my mind started to wander. Maybe I should see some of my friends from high school. I missed being able to go out and have fun. I've been locked up for so long that I forgot what it was like. Part of me wondered if I even remember how to hold a conversation and keep it going.

I finished my breakfast and made my way to the bathroom where I began to get ready for my day. I wonder what me and Dr. Greyson will discuss. She did get a lot out of me in our session yesterday but there's so much more for her to know. Once I was done I went back downstairs and found my mom on the phone smiling.

"That's lovely, she'll be so glad to hear that she can come."

I furrowed my eyebrows and walked over to her before puling the phone to see who was on the other line. My mom slightly pushed me off and walked away. I followed her and let out a small groan before trying to pull her back. She eventually hung up the phone and glared at me.

"Did you not see me on the phone?"

"What did you just do?"

"Your old friend is coming over for dinner tonight. Kristina."

I shook my head at my mom and walked away. Me and Kristina came a long way. She use to be my best friend. After me and Ethan started dating I began to change. I can only imagine how she's going to look at me now that I'm back home.

When I left she was actually one of the only people that I kept in touch with. Well at least before the situation happened with Ethan. After he went on a rant I didn't want to contact her because I didn't want her to get scared with what was happening.

I did keep my location a secret from her because I knew she was going to tell my parents and I couldn't have that happening, but with everything that did happen I wish I did. Maybe I would've been saved sooner.

"I thought you guys were best friends."

"We were."

"Then what's the problem? This will be nice."

I nodded and went to the car for her to take me to the therapist. I didn't even realize that the time came for me to go. Slowly pulling up to the curb, I told my mom goodbye and went inside. The lady at the front desk did her usual call and sent me to the back. Walking inside Dr. Greyson smiled at me and told me to have a seat.

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