chapter 1

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Brooklyn's POV

"Brook?" My mom gasped and covered her mouth. "Is it really you?"

I smiled shedding a few tears before nodding. I haven't seen my mom since I left to be with him.. the guy that put me through all this pain. If I would've just listened to my parents I wouldn't be stuck in this predicament. It's been three years.. Three long, exhausting, tormenting years.

"Honey look who's at the door!"

I feared seeing my dad the most. He was so heartbroken when I left. I just want this to run smoothly. I was serious about changing, I couldn't stay the same way. I just hope they would be open to listen.

"Kitten?" My dad stepped outside and pulled me into a long lasting hug. I finally let out the breath that I didn't even know I was holding in. "I'm glad your home." I haven't heard that nickname in so long. It felt good.. relieving almost.

We left each others embrace after what seemed like forever and my dad carried my bag inside the house. "This is it? This is all you have? What happened to all your things?"

I sighed. It was going to be hard for me to tell them the story behind everything but I know that it's something I have to do. "I left them. That's the only clothes I've been living off of for the past two months."

My mom furrowed her eyebrows as well as my dad. They pulled me into the living room and sat me down before they bombarded me with questions. I took a little bit of time to look around and see that they haven't changed the house that much. It's crazy how something so familiar can seem so different and unknown.

"Brooklyn baby, tell us what happened." My mom reached her hand out to me and I hesitantly grabbed it before nodding.

"After I left here with him, we spent so much time moving and wandering around. It was almost a year into moving that he started to change. He became more aggressive and demanding." I took a deep breath studying my parents face before I continued on. "He hurt me. He abused me for almost everything I did. Whether I came home late or if I didn't clean the house, even if I was out for too long I would come home and he would make sure that I knew not to do it again."

I wiped my face looking away before finishing. "One night I ended up getting saved by an old friend. He helped me, we moved away and I've been staying with him but I had to leave. I'm not okay and I don't want to continue to do that to him. Put him through my difficulties.."

"Why didn't you call us? We would've helped you." I looked between both of my parents already seeing how pissed my dad was.

"I didn't know what he was capable of. I didn't want anyone I love to get hurt."

My dad got up and walked out leaving the living room. Not too long after we heard the front door slam shut. I winced a little at the sound and let my head fall hopelessly. I knew that this was going to be apart of the process but I hated seeing them like this. My mom could barely look at me.

"So what brought you back home? After all this time? It's been three years Brooklyn. Me and your father didn't even know if you were alive. When you first left we had long sleepless nights." She shook her head as if she didn't want to remember. "How are we suppose to know your not going to do the same thing now? Huh? We can't go through that again."

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