chapter 7

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"We've been here for almost two hours I'm growing exhausted." I groaned. Patrick and I were currently sitting at the station waiting to see if Jennifer will stop by the station and we were really out of luck.

"I don't even know who I'm looking for." He laughed before staring at me. "I'm only here for my good looks."

I laughed before leaning over and giving him a kiss. "Nice try."

We've been here since 3 o'clock. It was now 5 and she still hasn't shown up to the station. We couldn't think of any other way to contact her without looking suspicious. With the files being stolen yesterday I was kind of worried. Even if we did reprint them or gt new copies how were we suppose to insure that it wouldn't happen again.

My mind couldn't even wrap around the fact that somebody would actually want me to look guilty. Who would even have that kind of motive? I haven't been back home long enough for me to make anyone upset so to me it just wasn't making sense.

I seen a car pull up out the corner of my eye, snapping me out of my thoughts. Jennifer came out and I tapped Patrick to let him know it was her. Instantly opening the door I walked out and went over to her before gently grabbing her arm. "I think we should talk."

"There's nothing to talk about unless you're letting me know the whereabouts of Ethan."

"I wish I can give you that for the sake of you and that baby but I can't. I don't know where he is."

"What do you want."

"To talk. Let's just go to the place across the street." Part of me didn't fully understand why I as even here making an effort to speak to her but I guess it was because of Kristina. Just the fact tat me and Jennifer dealt with Ethan at the same time made me sick. I didn't want to ask her about her and Ethan because I felt as though  wouldn't be able to accept that it was true.

She looked at me and eyed Patrick while slowly nodding. "Fine."

We all silently walked over and found a seat. It was a little Cafe so it wasn't as packed. Patrick gave us space and sat a the table next to us just in case anything happened.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

"How did you and Ethan meet? I never got the chance to ask you."

"Am I here for you to question about my relationship?"

"Look I know you may have some image of me in your head but I am not that person."

As if she was thinking about it she rolled her eyes and spoke up again. "At his job. I came in and he stopped me. He took my number and we just ended up talking. He said he wasn't with anyone. No offense."

"None taken, Ethan is just that type." I scoffed. "Look, if your in any kind of harm with Ethan don't be scared to tell me. I know what he's capable of. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you or the baby, regardless of our past."

"What did he do to you?" She whispered. I watched as she laid her hand on her stomach and my stomach churned. I can't believe she didn't know. If somebody like Ethan was the father of my child I don't know if I would even give him the chance to be a father. I would be so scared of what he would do, or when he would snap.

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