chapter 2

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"Exactly where from the beginning?"

"Well, what made you leave?"

"It wasn't my choice." I mumbled. "I was 18, the thought of me leaving my parents house was scary but I was kind of ready for what was to come. Ethan kind of talked me into it. I guess I was just easily influenced."

"So how did you leave so easily. Were your parents okay with it?"

"No. I told them that I planned on leaving but of course they wouldn't let me go. So I waited till that night and I basically left on my own."

"How do you think they felt?"

"I already knew that my Dad was mad. I could feel the anger pouring out of him when I told both of my parents I wanted to leave but then I also felt the pain behind it as well." I started to tear up a little. "I didn't want to put them through that but like I said I was young. I thought I was in love and I was stupid."

"So then what happened after you left?"

"We stayed at a hotel for the first few days. I mean the drive wasn't that long but we still didn't have anywhere to live."

"How was that? The experience of your first few days away from your family."

"It was hard. I missed my dad so much." I took a deep breath and continued to talk. "My mom wasn't always as there for me as my dad was. I could only imagine the pain that he felt to wake up and know that I was gone."

"What happened with you and.."

"Ethan. His name is Ethan."

"Yes, tell me what happened between you two."

"He just changed." I mumbled.

"Did you love him?"

"I did. I still do, I mean sadly feelings don't go away over night."

She nodded before folding her hands. "Tell me, how was it living with him?"

"At first it really was everything a teenage girl wished for. He provided for me and we found ways to get money in. I found a job and so did he we worked together."


"He got himself into some trouble and everything went left. He was so paranoid that we moved further into Seattle away from everyone and everything. It was a different space. We found a little apartment and then he didn't want me leaving." I could see the images playing in the back of my mind of when everything first happened.

"Didn't want you leaving?"

"He made me quit my job. I wasn't allowed to leave because he felt as though I was going to make friends and run my mouth to other people about what he did. He became more stressed out because he was the only one providing money and it kind of got to his head."

"What did he do? If you did leave?"

I rolled my eyes at her growing irritated at all of her questions. "Aren't you suppose to help me? Why are you only asking me all of these questions. Give me some advice."

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