chapter 4

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"Brooklyn? Are you okay?"

I opened my eyes and saw Kristina and my parents standing over me with a concerned face. My head was pounding and I felt like I got hit.


"I seen the news and rushed over here."

I sat up and got a minor pain in my head yet again which caused me to let out a little groan. "So it's really true? It's not a dream?"

"We're trying to do whatever we can honey but we never went to the police about this. If we didn't file a report then there's not much they can do to help us."

I nodded and sighed. They were right. I was scared to file a report on him. I felt safe when I was with Patrick so I didn't feel the need to and I've been so worried and focused on adjusting to being back home that I didn't make a decision.

Ethan was missing, like really missing. Did that mean he was going to come after me or does that mean that he's really in trouble. I didn't know what to think. After all this time I spent running from him it seems like now I'm stuck doing the same thing.

"What do you want to do?" My dad questioned.

"I just need some time." I didn't know what I wanted to do, truth be told. I wanted him to pay for all the pain that he's put me through but with him being missing doesn't that mean that he already is?

My parents walked out of the room and Kristina stared at me before sitting down. "Time for?"

"I don't know what to do.."

"Well you can get protection from the police or you can sit here and shit your pants wondering where the hell this lunatic is. Your choice."

I rolled my eyes before laughing a little. "What can the police really do for me. How are they going to protect me when they don't even know where he is? We're all in the same place here. I don't want to be followed around everywhere I go because of him. He already had the chance to rule my life and I'm not giving him that satisfaction again."

"But you are. If your just going to live your life in fear instead then your allowing him to have that control over you."

I shrugged before leaning back against the bed head. I want to do this so bad but like I told my therapist feelings for someone just doesn't go away over night. I hate him for doing what he did to me but he wasn't always like that. I just can't help but think that maybe he could change.

"What's on your mind?"

"Is it wrong for me to think that he could change? That it's not his fault that he's like this?"

"Your kidding right?"

"He is somebody's son. His parents are probably worried about him."

"Let them be, that's not for you to worry about. Whether he changes or not he still did what he did to you. That's unacceptable."

"I know.." I knew I would look crazy thinking the way I was but I still need to be open to everything before I made one final decision.

"Maybe you should sleep on it, tomorrow you'll have more of a clear mind." Kristina shrugged. "But don't be blindsided to what happened and what he did to you."

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