chapter 6

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The ride back home was oddly silent. I felt bad about the way I handled the situation but she had it coming. The only thing I could think about is the fact that her and Ethan have been together for almost a year..

"What's wrong?"

"It was one thing for him to abuse me but he cheated too. Just when you think it couldn't get any worse. And he got her pregnant on top of it all."

"He's just sad."

Pulling up to my house I gave Kristina a small hug and looked back at her before walking inside.

"Hey honey, are you okay?"

"Ethan's girlfriend was at the station today."


"For almost a year." I mumbled before sitting down on the couch.

"Oh honey." My mom sat next to me and hugged me before sighing. "If it makes you feel any better I always knew he was a jerk."

I let out a small laugh and shook my head. "Made me feel a tad bit better. But you haven't heard the worst part."

"Well get on with it."

"She's pregnant."

My moms eyes got wide and she covered her mouth. "He's not fit to be a parent."

"Maybe it'll change him for the better. I hope he has a girl."

"I can't believe this. Is there anything else that happened?"

"No, I just need a long shower and a long nap. Today has been exhausting."

"No dinner?"

"No, I'll pass."

I got up from the couch and went upstairs to my room before giving Patrick a call. With everything getting so chaotic I wanted to keep him in the loop.

"Hey, any updates?"

"No, I miss you Patrick."

"I miss you too." He chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

He cleared his throat before speaking. "Nothing. I'll call you back."

He hung up the phone before I even had a chance to say anything which left me confused. I placed my phone down and took a long shower. Stepping out, I dried off and puled on a big t shirt and laid in bed. Before I even had a chance to think I ended up falling asleep.


I opened up my eyes only to be hit with sunlight streaming through the window. I sat up and got out of bed before walking downstairs to hear a really familiar voice.

"I'm glad you found something Patrick."

I ran downstairs and saw Patrick standing with my parents and Kristina having a conversation.

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