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The e/c eyes opend,
A h/c haired girl woke up,looking around her...
She was in Gryffindor common room, a lot of people was around her too,but she was the only one awake.


A tie around her head, a bottle of soda in her hand, the girl Y/n was on the table while the others were cheering for her.
Y/n was acttualy just as good at partying as her brother.
She jumped off the table feeling tried,well evryone was tried as well.Than....they heard footsteps.
There was a silence until she whisperd
The doors opend and Slughorn walked in.
"Kids! K-kids! Oh Merlin..."
He said as he saw kids 'asleep' on the floor.
It wad 3AM so he was probably too tried to do anything bit let them be.
When he walked away, the most of them countinued partying, but some of them incloding y/n,stayed on the floor and fall asleep there. (Others did too but later.)

~~end of flashback~~

Y/n walked to the sofa,seeing Remus, reading book.
"Morning Remus!"
She greeted him,he turned at her,suprised to see anyone up at this time.
"Oh,Good morning!"
He said.
"Are you looking foward to something today?"
He asked, Y/n nodded
"Yeah,Quidditch!I wish I could be a seeker!"
She answerd proudly.
James suddebly woke up...


"You cant be seeker!"
The five of them were walking throw the grounds.
"Why not?!"
"Gryffindor alredy have a seeker."
James said proudly.
"And who?"
Y/n asked.
"Me of course."
James said pointing at himself.
Remus spoked.
"Ok maybe not yet!"
He admited.
"A-anyways,Y/n, first years aren't allowed to play quidditch or own brooms!"
Peter explained.
"What?! UNFAIR!"
Y/n whined,crossing her arms.
James laughed at,causing her to burst out at him
"What's so funny!? You will NEVER made it as a seeker either."
She said.

  ********Month skips*********

Qudditch, Gryffindor VS Hufflepuff

"I still can't believe he made it as a seeker..."
Y/n said,watchind from the audience along with Remus,Peter,and Sirius...

The game was going pretty dramatic, and y/n was one of the loudest out there.
It was almost like she could see everything,but for the most of the time she was watching James.
She hated to admit it but he was acttualy pretty good.
She noticed that he saw a golden snitch...
She cheerd, his hand was all aroind the snitch but than...

A bladget bumped into his head from the back side,and now he was falling of his broom.
The four of them was running to see their friend...hoping for the best.
Some of the people was still cheering,sience Gryffindor has won,but for Y/n that didn't matter anymore.

Y/n was first to come,she fell in her neefs, looking at him and his wounds, his head was bleeding along some of the wounds from his legs and arms.
She said pointing on his arm, it was the only healing spell that first years were learning..
It worked.
She cleaned blood from him atms and legs,but no matter how many times she tryed,the blood was just coming out of his head.
The three of them finaly came.
"Remus! You can cast Ferula! Taht will help"
Y/n said hopefully.
"I don't know If I's a third year spell!"
Remus mutterd.
"C'm on! You can do it! At least try!"
She said,Remus nodded pointing his wand at James.
He said,nothing happent.
He was repeatng it until it worked.
The bandage's appeard on his head.
McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey ran to them.
"Well done,but it will help for a little time only."
Madam Pomfrey said...


The four of them were waiting for the fift one to wake up.
"Mr. Lupin,Mrs. Black, I noticed you successfully using charms to help your friend back than."
McGonagall said.
"10 points for Gryffindor,each of you."
Remus smiled proudly, high fiveing Y/n.
She smiled,even tho she was still worried about James.
"Hey he's waiking up!"
Sirius said...
"A Bladger in your head,that's what happent"
Remus explained.
"Did we won?"
James asked.
"We got them 230 / 90"
Sirius said.
Y/n looked at him.
"Are you feeling fine? You scared the hell out of me. Idiot."
She said.
"Yeah Im alright"
James grinned,pretnding he didnt hear the last part.

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