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"Harry, you are so loved. Mama loves you. Dada loves you. Harry, be safe. Be strong."
Y/n whisperd to black haired baby,
"Y/n,take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off-
"Avada Kedavra!"
The green light hit him,y/n watched him fall on the floor.
His eyes were wide open and his face was plae,he wasn't mooving.
He was dead.
"Not Harry! Please...have mercy...have mercy...Not Harry! Please! I'll do anything!"
Y/n cryed, her words getting louder every moment.
"Stand a side! You silly women! Stand a side or I'll kill you!"
You-know-who pointed his wand at her.
"Please! Take me! Take me instead!!!"
Y/n yelled.
"Avada kedavra"

Y/n have almost fallen iff her bed,screaming.
She was panting,than sighed in relief. It was just a dream...
Her head was hurting like hell,she felt like fainting in amy second.

"N/n? Are you alright?"
She heard the last person she'd like to talk to,well besides Potter of course.
"Jake..we have to talk"
She said in seruous but not Srius voice. Her vision was blurry
"Look honey,I brought you this"
He said,showing her a necklace with big diamond shaped- glass on it.
"Im breaking up."

Akward sielence.

"Im sorry,it's hard to explain but-
"What did I ever do wrong!?"
"The problems not in you it's in-
His face was getting red from anger,looking at the string corner of necklace.
"It's in you."
He finished.

Y/n felt pain in her head,than everything blacked out.


"She's awake!"
"Shhh...Sirius at least try to be a bit more quiet"
"Yeah whatever"

Y/n clenaed her eyes with hands, looking at the four of them.

Black-haired one with happy face,
Jet Black one with nervous face,
Brown-grayish one with worried face,and
Mousy-brown one with scared face.

"J-James!? I tought you were dead! W-where's Harry!?"
Y/n panicked,her e/c colored eyes filled with fear and tiredness.
"Harry? Who's Harry? Why would I be dead?"
He asked in confusion.
Everything blcked out again.
But this time it was from tiredness.
"She needs to rest now boys,you have some classes don't you."
Madam Pomfrey said,kicking them out.
"But will she be fine!? What was she talking about?"
"Boys,she'll be fine. I promise someone will inform you when she wakes up."
She said than shut the doors.

"Albus Severus Potter,you are named after two briliant headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was Sltytherin,and the bravest men i ever knew."

She heard a voice,than opend eyes again.

She wasn't sleepy,or tired anymore,she didn't remember Harry anymore,she barley remember anything.She remember something. Blonde haired boy with gray eyes and green scarf holding a piece of glass, and attacking her.
She rememberd that she was witch,and sge rememberd Hogwarts too,but that was it. Nothing more.

"Oh you are awake! I'll call the boys in"
Women passed by.
" are you..?"
Y/n asked but women didn't seem to notice that.

The four of them rushed in,makeing a circle around her.

"Y/n! Im so sorry!"

Jet black haired boy said.

"Sorry for what?"
She asked,trying to take a better look at him.
"You know...for the stuff that happent before you fainted.."
He said,miss from before walked to them.
"I did not faint. I was hit in head by gray eyed slytherin. Than i blacked out"
She said coldly.


"What was his name..?"
Miss asked.
"I don't know..."
Jet black said. Everybody looked at him.
"Jake Byers"
He repeated.
"How don't you remember your boyfriend?Well,ex one"
Black asked.
"Sush there Black!"
"You're Black too!"
"No,Im h/c"
"Why would you call your brother by last name?"
Brown-grayish asked.
Y/n repeated.
"Y/n? Are you feeling alright?"
Mouse brown asked.
"Y/n? Well I guess Y/n's my name than..."
She mutterd.
"Y/n?! What was that!?"
"Shut it jet black!"
She hissed at him,trying to remember what the heck is happening and who are these guys.
"Jet you really hate me that much that you call me by my hair color?"
He asked in confusion,expression on his face sad and worried.
"Why would I hate you...? Im sorry,but I really don't know who you are."
Y/n said,she sounded pretty polite tho.
"How do you mean you don't know who am I!?!"
He asked,basicly-yelled.
"I don't know any on you!!!"
She hissed again.
"But you called me black!"
"I called you black because you're hair's black."
Y/n said in confusion.
"How do you not know us!?"
"I don't know! I never saw any of you in my life! I don't even remember my life! All I know is that Im witch at Hogwarts!"
She yelled.
"Calm down kids! You are yelling like hooligans"
Miss said,crossing her arms.
"I think that Miss Black have gotten a case of Amnezia."
The women said sadly.
"What does that means?!"
Black whined.
"Amnezia is forgotting diasise.
They forget almost anything and it can be caused by a hit on head like now."
Brown-grayish explained.
"So you're saying that Y/n doesn't remember anything?!
Jet whined even more.
"Will she remember us ever again?!"
Mouse panicked.
"Of course not. But the only problem is...Proffesore Dumbeldore is out for some time,he'll give her memories back when he's back. But,she could get her memories back in every moment tought. Now go,and you take care of her.
The women said.
"But who will be headmaster while Dumbeldore's gone?"


"Proffesore McGonagall!!!??"
Jet was whining again.
"She could be a problem to our pranks..."
Mouse mutterd.
"Guys you forgot about something?"
Greyish asked pointing at Y/n with his thumb.
"Oh yeah..."
Mouse mutterd.
"This is ridiculous."
Y/n mutterd.
"Fine,fine....see..Im James Potter. Im your crush,the love of your life~"
James said,kissing your hand.
the three of them looked at them,than laughed.
"He's only joking"
Black said,makeing a space beetwen James and y/n.
"Im Sirius Black,your brother."
"Im Remus"
"Im Pe-Peter"
"Hey guys...I rememberd something"
James mutterd
"What is it,James?"
Y/n asked.
"I have to kill Byers"
He quickly ran off,everyone following him...

I Hate You I Love You// James Potter X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now