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The second day of the bet.

James is giving his best,thought,Lily is Lily,he is haveing a hard time ,charming, her.
Y/n and Jake are officialy dateing,
The e/c eyed girl never wore a bigger smile on her face and never tought she'd have as strong feelings as she had(has) for James,but the difference was,
When she was with Jake she felt like doing the right thing and feeling wrong about it,while she was into James she felt like doing the wrong thing but felt right about.
"Hey N/n!"
She heard someone calling her.
"Oh hey Reg."
She greeted her brother slightly confused by his appearence and expression.
"I heard you're dateing Jake Byers!"
Y/n nodded, how did this people talk so openly about such a thing? She tought,
She asked,raising an eyebrow.
"He's pureblood"
"Im still not gettin' it"
"You made a good choice! His family is in very good terms with ours! Im really proud"
He said,his rare smile appearing.
"Oh that...Im glad.."
She said even ahe wasnt glad about anything exept his last sentence.
"Mom and dad will be so proud of you as well!"
He said,she looked up at him.
She knew her parents werent happy about her being in Gryffindor,and she didnt offtenly give a shit for blood status stuff and shortly for them,but suddenly-
Hearing that her parents will be proud of her sounded somwhow...nice...
She smiled as well and whisperd.
"I hope so..."
While walking away and waving to him.
"Bye Reg!"
She said all cheery and countinued her way to Gryffindor tower.
She set on the edge of the window,her legs out.
"Umm y/n doesn't that seem a bit dangerous?"
She turned her head behind her.
"Oh hey James. Well,danger is my middle name!"
She posed proudly,not moving from her "seat"
"I tought m/n was your middle name"
He chukled.
"Wanna take a seat?"
Y/n asked, pointing at the place next to hers.
He bit his lip a bit.
She teased him
"You wish"
He said than set next to her.
"Wow!It's such a nice sight!"
James said looking around,he saw it a milion times but never in this position.
"I know right!"
Y/n smiled.
"Can I ask you something...?"
She asked,biting her lip as well.
"Sure,what is it?"
Y/n looked around,than at him again.
"How does it feel to have parents?"
She asked,smiling nervously he looked at her,his expression kinda confused.
"Why would you ask such a question? You have your own parents?"
He asked,
"But...you know what they think of me...what they always tought of me.."
Y/n said in a sad voice.
"Oh,I get it..."
He mutterd.
"Anways,am I getting my answer?"
Y/n asked curiously.
"Well...having good parents is giod but it can be annoying sometimes."
"Annoying in what way?"
"They care about you too much and they could get too scared for such a small things"
It felt so strange having conversation with James wich was rather serious than sirius.
"That sounds...wonderfull..."
Y/n mutterd,smile on her face growing a bit.
"Oh,and if you're parnets are good known for something,people will expect you to be just like them,but it could get funny when they found out it's completely opposite.
My dad is known for makeing a
Sleekzey hairy potion-
"While you have something beetwen womping willow and Hagrid's beard on your head"
Y/n teased him, her fingers going throw his jet black hair.
He chuclkled as well,countinuing the converstation.

**********Time skips**********

Girl's dorm

Y/n rememberd James's discripotion of having good parents,it sounded so unreal,as more she heard she wanted to have them more.
She was always imagining having a family happy with her in the way she is.

If Regulus is right,and they really got proud of her,things would maybe change...at least a little..

But there is ine problem in there, the bet she made,if he make her broke up with Jake,everything will fall apart...but he couldn't possibly charm Lily,in one week or ever,right?


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