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Y/n was invited by Remus to sleepover at their dorm, why?
Because she asked him
"How do you live with them?"

Remus screamed at James,Peter got so scared of his scream that he fall from his bed.

Y/n was just chilling, sittin' in Remus's bed,eating popcorns and enjoying the show. She found it all hilarious.

"Hey guys! Let's write a story!"
Y/n recommented.
"About what?"
Remus asked.
Sirius recommented.

And than Y/n ended up writeing in every idea they had,along with hers ones of course.

"Remus, will you?"
Y/n handed him notebook.
She jumped from his bed to James's one, sittin' next to Sirius and the other guys who was also on it.

"One beautiful day at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry,
A smelly young nigger walked into a great hall. He was so ugly that people around him would get a cancer.
He sat on a chair waoting to ve sorted, he could hear sorting hat whispering to him-
"Your so ugly. Is your mama secretly a plague? Your so dump. There is only one place for yo to go.
it yelled.
Slytherin's was even a bit disgusted themself, and other stidents relaxed.
One day,ugly slytherin insulted the famous... Y/n what did you write there?!"
Remus asked pointing at the word.
Y/n stared at it.
Remus asked.
"I don't know..."
"You don't know what did YOU write?"
She shook her head.
Remus sighed,decided to skip that word.
" ...The fellow Gryffindors started to hex him for the pride of Gryffindor. The brave wizard from the order of merlin - Peter Prttigrew... Peter seriously?!"
Remus asked looking in Peters direction, Peter lookrd away shyly.
"...hexed him with the best hex in the world...
Later Proffesor Dumbeldore walked to them and said "well done,children, because of your endless bravery and saveing hogwarts from Niggarus nigganape, I shall reward each of you with thousand points for Gryffindor.
Suddenly,the light came up from sky and Merlin hiself appeard.
"Thank you,for killing that child,he was shame even for guys know that Merlin was in Slytherin right?"
There was an alward silence.
" The whole universe will forever be thankfull for your courage,boldness,humor,and greatness, Congratulations,
Y/n and Sirius Black,
Remus Lupin,
James Potter,
And the brave wizard from the order of merlin...Peter Pettigrew.
The end."
Remus said,closing the notebook.

Y/n had a tears in her eyez,while Sirius was crying a river.
"That's such a beautifull story..."
Y/n mutterd.
"I know..."
James said,patting her shoulder.
"Should we write a part two?"
Peter asked.
they all screamed.
"Y/n, the fuck is that handwrite? The fuck is that grammar?!"
Remus asked,he was really confused.
"WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?! Some people are trying to sleep here!"
One of the kids in backround said.
He was right,they were te only ones up at this time.
"Maybe we should sleep now,It's getting pretty late"
Peter recommended.
"Sure whatever..."
Sirius said.

Y/n was sleeping in Sirius's bed,siemce they were siblings.

They all layed in their beds, when all of sudden
James said, breaking the deadly silence, causing his friends to giggle under the blanket.
"No no no,it's OiNk"
Remus correted him, than they all started.
While the other gryffindors were dieing insade"
The whole next hour was just like that,until they all fall asleep, expet y/n, she got out of the bed, walking around. She wasnt that sleepy after all.
Suddenly,she heard someone sobbing... she walked back ti her bed and saw James,crying in sleep.
She whisperd, trying not to wake up the others.
"Stop freaking crying!"
She whisperd to him.
She took Sirius's scarf and wiped his tears away.
She grabbed his shoulder,tying to wake him up,
"James! missed the Quidditch! Slytherin won with!"
She whisperd
He woke up immediately.
"I Knew that would work"
Y/n grinned.
"Huh...Y/n? Why did you wake me up?!"
He asked.
"Because you were crying uncontrollably!"
She whisperd.
He mutterd.
"Go back to sleep...and try not to cry again please..."
Y/n said, getting back in bed.
James fall asleep again,sd for Y/n,she couldn't sleep...she couldnt stop thinking about what she saw in mirror last night...
It doesn't matter anyways,he loved that ginger,Lily...
She looked at him again...

He looked so cute while sleeping.

I Hate You I Love You// James Potter X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now