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"Mommy! I drew you a gift!"
A h/c haired little girl with e/c eyes with age of 5 was saying.
She handed a paper to her mother,the women frowned at the sight of drawing.

"Rubbish" Said women, throwing the drawing away in trash.
Leaving a 5 years old in tears.

a scar appeard on her wrist.

~End of flashback~

Y/n was at Astronomy tower,looking at the sky.
She checked her wrist than,seeing the fresh one. Another one appeard....
she didnt feel like going to classes,and she didn't have to either.
She was allowed to have a rest after all the Amnezia thing.

"Y/n Black,right?"
A girl that was in fourth year,a Slytherin. She had a light brown hair and brown eyes.
"Mind your bussnies"
Y/n said coldly.
"Im Andromeda. Andromeda Black"
The girl said.
"Sirius's favourite cousine..."
Y/n mutterd.
"Im glad that Sirius talks about me in a good way"
Andromeda smiled.

A/n: Sirius: Nice jumper you got there
Andromeda: Thanks,I AndroMADE it myslef

"Well Sirius is an asshole.And his friends too,exept Remus,he's fine"
Y/n said crossing her arms.
"What did he do,this time?"
Andromeda asked,hieding a grin.
"He's been a jerk. He didnt act like brother should act."
Y/n said,looking away.
" Sirius is...well...Sirius...and he will always be Sirius,but I know that you two will make it up eventually "
She smiled sweetly when another one ran in.
"Y/n? Are you allright?"
Remus asked.
"Im fine.."
Y/n said.. looking down.
"I will leave you now'
Andromeda smiled and walked away.
"Who was that?"
"Andromeda,our cousine"
Y/n answerd,her face still blank.
"Are you...sure that you're alright?"
He asked,Y/n nodded.
"Y/n,If I tell you my secret,will you answer me one...really personal question?"
He asked nervously while Y/n nodded.
he said.
"Im sorry...I..Didn't understand that"
Y/n said with confusion,Remus sighed.
"I have a crush on Sirius"
he said,y/n stared ar him.
"What!? I mean that explains a lot...but What!?"
Y/n asked,she couldn't help but feel this weird kind of exitment...
"Yeah i know know"
Remus said trying to shake it off.
Y/n mutterd.
Remus gave her a quiestioning look.
"I will be aunt to your future kids!!!"
Y/n smiled widely while Remus blushed.
"So,what was your question?"
do you really like James? I mean,when you lost your memorys did you really like him and do you like him now...?"
He asked nervosly,hardly finding the words amd nuts to ask this,Y/n sighed and said.
"Remus,I told Lily I'll rip her eyes out if she comes any closer him.
Yes,I like him a lot, and i don't understand why myself either."
Y/n explained,looking away.
"I get it. I think I have a plan..."

"Im Listening"

"What If we pretend to be dateing? We'll have them both jelous!"

"Well,I don't want to make James jelous,but I'll help you with Sirius for sure!"

Even if he didn't belive in what sahe said,he didn't complain,he knew the truth himself.


The two of them walked throw the corridors,they twisted their arms as they saw their friends,noticing they got their attention, they looked at each other...

Their friends tought if it as loveable smiles,giggles and chuclkles,but acttualy it was y/n makeing funny (retarded) faces imitating the other girls and Remus trying to stop himself from laughing.

"You guys were right! Y-you know about Remus likeing Y/n!"
Peter said,smiling stupidly.
Sirius mutterd under his breath.
Y/n was smileing at them,they thought it was because she hooked up with her new boyfriend,but it was acttualy because their plan is working.
He yelled,
"You sound like mom"
"Listen,Sirius, I don't know why are you acting so protective. If you were really one of these protective older brothers you wouldn't let your best friend to mess around and hurt your sister because of some retarded joke."
Y/n said,crossing her arms.

"But Y/n-"

"Go to bed."
She said,her arms still crossed"
"Go to bed. Now. All three of you."
"You're not my mom!"
James complained,s
he shoted him a death glare.
"would you like me to tell yours what were you doing last week?"
She asked.

"Good Night"

A/n: Srry for not updateing lately!

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