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"Sirius...are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Why not?"
"Well,Y/n maybe liked James before,and If she got her memories back and than James tell her that he was just messing with her,she will get hurt."
Remus explained,he had a pityfull face.
"Oh C'mon,Y/n is too stubborn even to be hurt. She will just slap him and yell.I don't think she likes him at all"
Sirius shuggerd.
"I still don't think this is a good idea."
Remus crossed his arms and walked away in the dorms boy,Sirius following him.


"James you have to stop this. You will hurt her."
Remus complained.
"Why do you care? Do you have a little crush on Y/n huh?"
James asked.
"No,I just care about my friend.Unlike you obviously"
Remus crossed his arms.
"See,once Y/n get hurt, I don't want to have anything wih this."
James said.

      *******Week later*******

Y/n and James were walking throw the corridors. Their arms twisted.
"James!? Why are you holdong hand with Y/n?!"
"I tought you liked me..."
The ginger girl who appeard to be Lily said.
"Bitch,come any closer to him and I will rip your eyes out."
Y/n said crossing her arms.


Lily walked away madly.
James said,his eyes wide open.
"Look,James,I lo-like you a lot. I felt something about you from the moment I woke up. Thank you for everything,please don't ever leave me.."
Y/n said,James's face turned scarlett.
"I won't...I promise."
James said,before even thinking about it.
"Mrs.Black, Mr.Potter"
They heard voice of proffesor.
"Proffesore Dumbeldore is here to give you your memories."
It was Proffesor McGonagall.
"Really?! when!?"
Y/n asked exitedly.
"Tmorrow morning,he also told me to tell you go rest for a bit now."
Y/n nodded.
"Thanks Proffesor,Bye James!"
She said and ran away.

That was the moment he knew that he fucked up.

James ran to his dorm as well.
"Guys! Y/n is getting her memories back tmorrow!!"
He said.
"James,be quiet. Peter is asleep."
Remus warned him.
"Oh sorry..."
"James you really fucked up this time."
He snickerd.
"Shut up."
"You better hope she won't send you to a hospital wing!"
Sirius laughed,James frowned.
He got into his bed,thinking about what Y/n told him.
It wasn't the only reason he was scared.
She will remember that she was mad at him before she got amnezia...
This was too much tense for him.
He fall asleep just like that.


The four of them were walkng throw the corridors when they heard someone yelling.

"Well shit."
She ran up to him,her face red from anger. She slapped him with her whole strainght,he have fallen on the floor while Sirius and Peter were snickering.
"Umm...Thats not my middle name"
"Seems like joke went wrong..."
Sirius said nervously
"They tought it'd be a genius idea If James would mess around with you"
She yelled at him,slapping him again. Sirius sniggerd a little
Sirius eventually stopped laughing.
She looked at Peter and looked away,her eyes begin to water,she looked at James again.
"You broke my heart for the third time..."
she whisperd.
she than looked at Remus hopefully.
"You too?"
She asked.
"I told them not to do it,I really don't have anything to do with this."
He said,Y/n smiled a bit.
"At least I can count on you,Remie"
She said,tears going down of her cheeks.
She sighed.
"No...I guess I was wrong,I was just stupid..I trusted you.Its my fault."
She said,than ran away.
"Wait what did she think by ,you broke my heart for the third time,?"
Sirius asked.
" I dunno..."
Said James who alredy felt guilt.
"Where are you going Remus?"
James asked.
"To see If she's alright."
"Remus you're so obvious. you like her."
James frowned.
"For the fifth time,I don't. And why are you frowning James?
She basicly think you rejected her."
Remus said,and ran away trying to catch up with Y/n.

I Hate You I Love You// James Potter X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now