"I'm sorry." (Michael's POV)

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- « Do you guys want anything »? Lucy asks. « Aside from an explanation of course. »
I'm mad. Ash and I both actually. I didn't expect to be this angry if I were to see her again. It's overpowering the fact that I missed her so badly.

- « Pretty much, yeah. » Ash says, coldly.
We all sit down on the couch.

-« Lexi, love, do you mind going to play with your toys while Mumma catches up with some friends? » she asks the little one. Damn. It's her daughter. That definitely hasn't sunk in.

- « Do you guys want to ask me something or do I just ramble? » she starts.

- « If we were to ask everything that was going through our minds right now we'd ,like, never shut up. You go. »

- « Okay. » she takes a deep breath. This is painful for her, I can tell. I feel bad and I can see Ash does too but we need to know. I need to know why.
« While you guys were deciding to live permanently in L.A, I found out some pretty earth shattering news. To make it short, I was feeling pretty shitty and I was late.. like late late. 3 months late. So I went to the E.R and they told me there that I was pregnant. I was 19 years old, I was scared. I was pretty much out of options. At least, that's what they told me.
When you asked me to move, I knew if I said yes I'd have to tell Luke. »

I look over to Ash. He's pretty much as shocked as I am. Why would she say anything??

- « Why didn't you? » Ash says like he's reading my thoughts.

- « Because. » she sighs. « Your career was just kicking off. You were so close to getting your dream, the one thing you've all wanted for so long. I knew a baby would change everything. I had no other choice but Luke did. He could leave but I knew he'd never go for that so I just made it easier. "

- " Luce, dreams are nothing when your friends aren't there to enjoy them with you." I manage to say.

- " I know. I'm sorry. I just didn't want to hold Luke back. He would've resented me forever. I know it."

-" Dude, Luke loves you more than anything." Ash smiles; it almost feels like she's never ghosted us. "He even wrote a bunch of songs about you."
Shit. What are we going to do about Luke? Do we tell Calum too?

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