"Hey Cal." (Calum's POV)

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I'm standing on a unicorn. Holy shit it's so pretty. Wait, that's not a unicorn. It looks like a unicorn but it's actually... Me? Wait holy crap am I a unicorn? I always thought I was a duo corn? Ahahaha i'm funny.
- "Fuck me that's loud", I say, waking up from a long nap. Who could be calling me right now?
I check my phone. It's Ash. These idiots probably locked themselves out. God why am I friends with them?

- "Dude I think Ash and Mike locked themselves out" I call out to Luke.
No answer.
- "Luke?"
Where is he?

- "Guys please tell me you didn't wake me up because you're idiots as per usual?" I joke.
But Ash doesn't answer. Neither does Mike actually. It's radio silence.

- "Hello? Ashton? Michael? Guys stop fucking around it's not funn..."

- "Hey Cal."
Okay that's definitely not either of the boys. My heart dropped. I feel numb. It can't be her. It can't.
God I hope it is. So hard.

- "Lucy?" I manage to say.

- "The one and only" she laughs. "I'm sorry we haven't talked in a while and I bet you must be mad but there's something that I need to tell you that I should've told you a long time ago ..."

- "Wait wait wait Luce slow down. Start from the beginning, how are you with them right now?"
I'm still floored by the fact that I'm hearing her voice. I've missed that voice.
And she proceeded to tell me everything she never did before. The move. The baby. Luke. Everything.

- "So I guess that's pretty much everything. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Cal..." she cries.

- "Hey hey Luce don't apologise alright? I get it, I get why you didn't say anything. I'm just so glad you're okay" I sigh. I can't believe my two best friends in the whole world have a kid. Wait. My TWO best friends. Hemmo.
"When are you going to tell Luke?"

- "Tell me what?" .FUCK. How long has he been there? "Is that Ash?"

- "Oh yeah Luke it is, he says he uh, found uh, an idea! For a new song! Yeah yeah he thinks since he's on an inspirational streak we could start...uh writing stuff down!"

- "Oooooo...kayyyy? I guess? So fucking weird" Luke walks away confused.

- "Did he buy that?" I hear Mike say through the phone.

- "Sort of, look guys, I've got to bounce alright? Talk to you later, oh and uh... Text me pictures of Alex, alright?" I whisper, making sure Luke can't hear me.

- "Sure thing." she says softly. "Hey Cal?"

- "Yep?"

- "I love you."

- "Right back at you dumbass." I smile. "Bye Luce."

I hang up. I feel light headed. That. was. A LOT. To take in. And I'm just the best friend. God damnit how's Luke going to react? I can't help but feel bad for him. But I also get why Lucy didn't say anything. Still, this is huge.
I walk out of the bedroom and head to the bar downstairs. I need a drink.
I look over and I see Luke beat me to the punch.

- "You okay Cal?" Luke asks, worried.

- "Yeah mate yeah don't worry I'm just uh.. still really tired. Stupid Ashton waking me up for nothing" I fake laugh.

- "That's like his specialty" he laughs.
I take a minute to look at him. I bet she looks like him.
I hope she shows up and tells him soon. I don't know how long I can keep this from him before it eats me up.

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