C3 I'm a Hero?! (3)

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“The human body is weak.”

Artpe had a new revelation.  The price of this new revelation was a scrape on his knee.

“Artpe was always bad at running.  Eh-whew.  I knew you were running too hard.”

The priest was probably back after contacting the palace.  The priest would immediately try to find them, so they had to be far away as possible.  However, Artpe couldn’t run properly, since he suffered an injury.  This was why Maetel was helping him walk.  He was slowing down the hero.  If he was still one of the Four Heavenly Kings, he would have considered his own actions to be a meritorious deed!

“This isn’t the time to…..”


Artpe had extended threads of Mana from his body, and his face crumpled when he felt a vibration through the threads.   There were beings born from a spring of evil nearby.  Basically, monsters were nearby..

There were three of them.  These monsters were living in a forest near humans, who weren’t very vigilant.  As expected of monsters living in such a region, they were naturally occurring level 3 goblins.  These were monsters that always showed up in stories that had heroes, knights or magicians as main characters.  The main characters always defeat these monsters in the most miserable way possible for the monsters.  They were the monsters of misfortune, who bowed out early from the story.

Of course, even if the goblins were very weak, Artpe and Maetel had just left their town.  They were mere level 1s, so the goblins were stronger than them.  If Artpe and Maetel had moved through the normal route, they would have faced slimes or creatures weaker than squirrels.  They could have raised their levels by hunting them instead of facing goblins!

‘Fortunately, I dispersed my threads of Mana.  Of course, it would have been better if I possessed Search or Barrier type magic!’

Level was everything in this world.  If one had low level, one was low on Mana.  There were restrictions placed on Skills and Spells, because one’s soul was of low quality.  One could attack an enemy’s weak spot using a Sliding Tackle skill, which was sharper than an attack with a knife, yet one would have a hard time delivering a critical hit.  On top of that, one wouldn't be able to equip oneself with good equipments!

“Maetel.  You should stop helping me, and….”

“Huh? I can feel a strange energy.”

Artpe had been about to warn Maetel, but she mumbled to herself before he could.  Her pretty face frowned.

Artpe could see Maetel’s ability change in real time.


[Level 1]

[Detection Lv1]

“I can feel it more clearly now, Artpe. I’m pretty sure there are beings coming towards us.”

“······ah, yes.  I was about to tell you the same thing. ”

Of course, there were also geniuses, who learned high quality Skills, irrespective of their levels.  This was what had happened to the blonde haired girl in front of him!  She was a damned genius!

He let out a string of curses in a low voice, and he decided to look at this in a positive light. His only ally was a genius.

“They are goblins.  They are all level 3.  If it's a one on one battle, it might be a fair fight.  However, there are three of them.”

“Don't worry.  I’ll protect Artpe.”

Her words were very heroic!

However, she was wearing shabby clothes.  It probably had a Defense of 0.  It might even have a negative defense by the look of it.  She had no other equipments.  The girl spoke such words, while she clenched her dirty hands into a fist.  It amplified the worry he felt.

I Reincarnated for Nothing by Naughty OtterWhere stories live. Discover now