C9 Growth of the Heroes

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[Magic can’t hurt m…….  Koohk!?]

It suffered under his magic before, yet it was replying with the same idiotic answer!  Of course, Artpe wouldn’t directly apply his Magic on a Skeleton, who was twice his level!

The Magic appeared as if it had been pushed out from the confines of Artpe’s body, and he focused on one of the daggers embedded in the Skeleton Warrior.  He focused on the blade embedded within the elbow joint of the arm holding the shield.  The Hyper Rubbing was focused on the blade, and it was causing enormous friction!  Artpe worried the other blades would fall out from the vibration caused by the intense rubbing, so he had to concentrate his power.

[A mere trick was able to damage…..]

“I can’t hear you.  That trick broke your wide forehead.   Why don’t you speak a little bit louder!”


The Skeleton Warrior reacted in a violent manner, and it started to move.  Finally, Artpe got the reaction he wanted.   The elbow joint had received an incredible amount of stimuli from the rubbing, and when the force of the violent movement was added to the mix, the bones started to let out an ominous sound.  

A crunch was heard, and the arm was bent backwards in an odd angle!

[I’m a Skeleton!  A mere broken bone won’t…..  Koohk!?]

“You keep following the same pattern in becoming surprised.  Aren’t you tired of it?”

This was beyond the frictional force that arose from the dagger.  The Skeleton Warrior used an enormous amount of power to move its arm.   In the end, it exceeded the threshold of abuse that could be taken by the joint.   The joint was completely destroyed as the heavy shield and the arm holding it fell to the Dungeon’s hallway!


“You are amazing, Artpe!”

“Give me more compliments!”

“Amazing!  You are really incredible!”

He never suspected the Hyper Rubbing could be used to cause damage to a monster!   The fact that it could cause incredible amount of friction was no joke.  He had manifested the magic by using the weapon as a medium, and the Skeleton Warrior was unable to resist against the attacking using Mana Resistance.  Artpe had been able to attack using friction!

He had learned Hyper Rubbing not too long ago, so he wasn’t proficient at using the spell.  This was why it took so long to achieve the desired effect.  However, if he became adept at using this Magic later on, he would be able to achieve ludicrous results!

“Of course, I would achieve better results much faster if I learned other spells during that time!”

Artpe grumbled as he once again focused his Hyper Rubbing on a specific target  He got rid of the shield, so it was time to destroy the arm holding the sword!  He was running a bit short on Mana, but if he was able to destroy both arms, he was confident they could win against it.  Artpe didn’t hold back as he used all his reserve power to command his magic.


As expected, the Skeleton Warrior realized what Artpe was trying to do, but it couldn’t retreat.  The rage that was blanketing its body refused to fade away.   What should it do?  What will allow it to kill the shitty little brat?

The Skeleton Warrior thought hard about its situation.  After it agonized over its options, it came up with a single answer.   It had watched the little brat do it over and over again.  The Skeleton Warrior thought it could somewhat replicate what the brat did.

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