ii • capture my heart

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a/n : The banner credit goes to payal di aka rainbowwveins, loved this one.


[ Chapter two • capture my heart ]

Pacing to and fro in her hall, she fiddled with her fingers, she was nervous for all she was going to do, her heart squeezed the second with the thought of her and Shivaay acting a couple or as girlfriend and boyfriend, never she was loved in her whole lifetime but shivaay made her feel so much secure and loved, that she was all ready to give herself to him. He made her feel thousands of feelings which were unknown to Annika till now, standing at this point of stage, she did want things to happen, she had those hopes in her that made her believe in love!

Sitting down beside her packed luggage, her house was empty, sahil being off for a trip for more than three weeks, made the things go smoothly, if her brother would have been here, he would have never allowed his Annika Didi to go with SSO, as he addressed him this way.

'Will he come or has he changed his mind, what if he leaves the same way like everyone did, what if he realised that I am not the right person, what if' Her brain stopped as she heard a long knock on the door, her irrelevant thoughts were all vanished as she knew he was the one on the door.

Opening the door to find him standing on there and checking his mails, he had his sunglasses on, his black tee and grey pant made her drool over him, "If you are done checking me out, Let's move" taking his glares out, he showed his bluish-grey eyes and she looked away shy-ly. "Billuji, I was not checking you out" folding her arms near to her chest, she gave him a sharp look.

"Don't lie Miss Annika'' He entered his house, as if it was his own, Annika narrowed her eyes at his attitude, Shivaay looked at the heavy bag in front of him, Annika walked steadily towards him and stood beside him.

"Annika if you don't know, I am Shivaay Singh Oberoi" He spoke in a tone making Annika wonder what he was trying to indicate. "Thank you billuji, for letting me know your name" She smiled cheekily, shivaay groaned in frustration and face palmed himself, "I was saying that because of your not so heavy suitcase! For your information, I have already arranged some dresses there for you" annika's lips turned into a 'o' shape.

"Remove some clothes out, It will be fine if you remove all, you can survive in my shirts, you know" His dirty mind was all set to do things to her, Annika turned her face to the other and went away blushing with her suitcase.

Loading her not so heavy bag in the back seat, like a gentleman, he opened her side of the door, they both smiled and he got onto the driver seat. Shivaay watched Annika from the corner of his eyes, he could see her nervousness as she fidgeted with her phone, knowingly or unknowingly, he placed his hand on her's, she looked to find Shivaay smiling at her.

"Don't worry, we will figure everything out" Shivaay continued focusing on driving with his one on steering wheel, "You know I thought, you won't" She stopped as interrupted in middle, "Show up" he completed and she nodded in a 'yes'

"I won't ever do that, I never run away from anything, neither from you and nor from my feelings, I believe there is a beautiful end waiting for us" Shivaay acted as a relief to her over flooding thoughts, the Shivaay that was sitting next to her was not the one she knew, he was much better than before.

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