v • kissing you

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[ chapter five • kissing you ]

"Listen never judge a person by hearing the half story, it will hurt both the person" Shivaay squeezed her hand while her brain was processing something else.

"And why wouldn't I  be angry when I hear you saying 'I love you' to your Tia baby?" Annika mimicked the last two words making Shivaay roll his eyes.

"I wasn't speaking to Tia, babe, I was speaking to Dadi '' Annika's eyes widened and she looked up to him in a puppy face, slapping herself mentally for misunderstanding the situation, she didn't know what to say.

"I was at fault too, I should have told you straight away without wasting both of our time" Annika leaned onto his shoulder, her arm snaked around his left arm and their fingers intertwined together.

"Can we just forget what all just happened?" She tightened her hold and closed her eyes. "Ok we can get back to what we were doing" Annika raised her head, just to see him smirking.

"You and your cheap-paan" She smacked his chest lightly and playfully, he held her wrist, making her come closer to him.

Tracing her jaw line with his thumb, he held her by waist and she was shyly looking down. Taking a sharp breath in, annika tried getting away, the intimate position was all new to her, not knowing how to go with the flow, she tried freeing herself from his hold rather than embarrassing herself by doing actions which were not to be done.

"Shi..vaay, leave me" she slowly said in a low tone and shivaay smiled at her innocence. "I have just started what will happen when we move on to another stage of our relationship" Annika raised her brows, thinking for sometime and she realised what he was indicating towards.

"Shivaay you are big cheapde" she blushed and shivaay's attention went towards the word 'Shivaay'. "Did you call me by name?" He asked in excitement while annika just nodded in a 'yes'.

He traced her lip by his thumb, his all attention was on her luscious lips which he wanted to taste from long, annika trembled as his mere touch brought butterflies in her stomach. Annika was never kissed before, everything was new to her, though she did watch scenes in movies where the couple made love.

Annika shifted herself little back, Shivaay sensed her being uncomfortable so he backed off, thinking not to rush anything, nothing stood more than Annika, not even his desires.

"Come, it's becoming more dark and yes, tell me whenever you feel uncomfortably when I take some stupid steps" Shivaay scratched his head and pressed his lips together.

Shivaay got up and Annika followed, she held his wrist as they crossed the forest area while she walked behind him. Annika was in her own thoughts, Shivaay's words were still ringing in her ears of her being uncomfortable with him, well it was not true for annika.

Finding their way out of the forest, they stood in front of the farmhouse, he opened the security box which was attached on the wall down the doorbell, Shivaay typed the name 'Annika' and she looked at him with love, the door opened swiftly.

Entering the house, Shivaay looked at Annika who didn't seem to be in this world, clicking his fingers in front of her eyes, he grabbed her attention and he raised an eyebrow, asking 'Where are you lost' she just shook her head and looked down.

"Is something bothering you?" he asked in a serious tone. "Nothing is bothering me Shivaay" He couldn't understand what was wrong with her,  thinking that he would never be able to understand a women.

"I am going to change, you can use the other washroom to change up" He turned to leave and she caught him at the right time.

Shivaay turned back to see Annika staring at him with lots of emotion, coming closer to her, he cupped her face and observed her closely.

Annika held his shirt collar tightly and she clashed her lips onto his and kissed him without knowing how to but she seemed much professional, Shivaay's mind stopped working all of sudden when she took a step which he wanted to a few minutes ago.

He responded back with equal passion and kissed her slowly, his hands entered her crop top and roamed around inside shamelessly! Annika smiled in the kiss, her one hand reached for his black, dense hair, messing them as she went deep inside him. Their lips met, tongues entangled together, bodies touched each other and they were one.

Breaking apart they starved for oxygen, she rested her forehead against his with closed eyes, he opened his eyes and pecked her on lips,not being satisfied.

"That was unexpected" Annika blushed and looked down to find shivaay's hands still inside her wet top.

"You taste heavenly" he licked his lips as if it was her's, Annika face palmed herself as she couldn't understand how to react.

"Chii.. Shivaay, I am going" She ran behind leaving a grinning shivaay, he laughed a little, he had to admit that she was the cutest person he had met.

Annika went through lot's of dresses but all were revealing, much to her annoyance, the only dress she found was a once piece, cream colour, comfortable wear, reaching her mid thighs, she let her hair fly up in the air.

She wondered where did her large suitcase go which had all her comfortable clothes, not thinking for more she went out and saw Shivaay sitting on the bed already.

"What's in your hand" She jumped onto the bed beside him and peeped inside the bowl which was filled with soup.

"Something to have" he passed on the bowl to annika and she smiled while taking it. "Where is your one?" She asked while taking a sip and he looked at her.

"I don't feel hungry" Annika drooped her spoon and looked at Shivaay who was fidgeting with his 'engagement' ring, Annika's attention went there and a sharp pain hit her heart.

"This the same ring that Tia made you wore right" the sadness in her tone made Shivaay look at her who was all looking down.

"Errr..yes" he quickly took that ring out of his finger, he didn't want to make Annika sad when they were here to explore each other better.

"Why did you remove that" She raised her brow as she knew that the deal was still not over between the both.

"Because at the end there is we" Annika's eyes shone in an unknown happiness, not because shivaay said indirectly that he was not going to marry Tia but he had full trust on their love which made him say that.

'I love you shivaay' Annika's heart whispered to herself and she couldn't do anything rather than suppressing those words deep inside as she wished for the right moment for it.

"Where are you going?" Shivaay asked as annika got up and left the soup behind, looking for her on the door to arrive, she came back with another spoon in her hand.

"Here" She passed the spoon and Shivaay smiled at Annika's actions, she did care for him and he knew. Taking the spoon, he sipped the soup along with Annika.

"You know, I am new to all this, the care, the concert, the love. Before you no one cared for me except Sahil, he was the only ray of hope for whom I kept going, the way you care for me makes me want you to be always by my side and never leave me" A tear from her eye escaped and she leaned on his chest.

"Shh..I am not going anywhere, no matter what I will be there around you always"

"Even if you marry Tia?" She asked out of blue and shivaay lifted her up from his chest, wiping her tears, Shivaay went ahead and cupped her face.

Taking her lips, he kissed her with no warning and her hands reached his neck, inviting him more into her, he nibbled on her lips and she melted each passing second, her legs directly went around his hips and they both were into kissing each other with no breaking.

"I will never marry Tia, even if my feelings for you doesn't turn out to be love, I'll rather stay unmarried for my entire life" 

Shivaay pecked her nose delicately and Annika rubbed her thumb over his subtle and smiled widely.

"We are one and together"


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