x • you have me.

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[ chapter ten • you have me ]

Annika looked out of the window, enjoying her morning chai to the fullest, she viewed at the car which was racing towards her house.

Sighing, she knew he was her fiance or to be husband who was too desperate to meet her.

Before he could bell or knock the door, she herself did the honours and looked at her cute billuji.

"Shivaay, you are not allowed here" she was going to close the door on his face but his hands worked and stopped her at the correct moment.

"What is wrong in meeting my girlfriend?" He pushed open the doors and entered her house.

Taking his glares out, he loosed his shirt button and settled on the king size sofa.

Annika had been living in a two room flat for two weeks, when first suggested she clearly denied and said she would move into her old house but no one listened and she insisted on staying in the flat.

"Two more days Shivaay, I am going to be with you only" She sat beside him.

"I have been waiting for it for a month, I don't like staying away from you" Shivaay grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles.

"Dadi might get upset with you being here" She slightly pushed him as he reached his lips to kiss her.

"How will she know?" He smirked earning a hit from Annika through a pillow.

"She said it's not good seeing each other's faces before marriage, so why break it?"

Annika rested her head on his shoulders and played with his blazer.

"Nothing can go wrong when we are one" Pulling her closer to him  by her waist, she smiled under his embrace.

"I love you" she closed her eyes and he dropped a kiss in her hair.

"Love you more" Annika looked into his eyes, her hands automatically travelled up to his neck and held him there.

She gently placed her lips on his and didn't moved for a second when both responded  like wild souls wanting to taste each other, his tongue brushed with her tongue and his hands entered her black crop top.

Annika sucked his upper lip and laid her legs across his waist, catching breath for a second, they got into another session of kissing each other.

"Don't turn me on Annika, I don't want us to end up sleeping together like we did just a week ago"

Annika blushed heavily thinking about the night of their reunion, the both lost their virginity and didn't regret it rather cherished it through.

"You and your cheapde" She buried her head deep inside his neck and smiled consciously.

Shivaay parted her and his lips made his way towards her shoulders, with ease he slightly lowered the neck line of the crop out  making her bare skin visible to him.

His lips and teeth worked there for a while and ended up giving her a hickey.

Annika couldn't suppress her moan which made shivaay turn on more.

"I marked you" He traced his hickey on her shoulder and said with pride.

"You have already done that" She showed him the ring in her finger.

"I have that too" He grinned widely and showed it to her.

Hugging her tightly, they still were in the intimate position.

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