vi • love

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[ chapter six • love ]

"Annika, babe, wake up" Annika was resting her head on his chest and was all into snuggling into him, Shivaay had his arms around her waist and tried waking her up.

"Five more minutes SSO" shivaay kissed the top of her head and thought of waiting for five more minutes for just his lady love.

Yesterday they had spent a day along with each other, inside the house as it rained heavily, telling each other more and about their pasts, they knew each other more than better now.

Sighing as he knew five minutes were over, he tugged a hair strand behind her ear as it blocked his view to his beautiful face of his 'girlfriend'

"Wake up baby" Shivaay used all the cheesy words to call his girlfriend but Annika was kumb-karan.

"I am warning you, get up" His stern voice made Annika slightly move but didn't help her to get up.

Annika purposely snaked her left leg around his waist and snuggled into him more, shivaay had his thoughts going all wild and wilder.

"You are turning me on babe, don't do that, I might not be ablecontrol" Shivaay received a smack on his right arm and saw Annika's eyes slightly open.

"Is that so Mr.gadha Singh Oberoi" she asked with a pout and faced him, he came near to her ears "Yes, very much" Annika's cheeks heated upon hearing his answer.

Annika rather than shying away, she hugged him tightly, the butterflies were no where to stop and she loved the feeling. Shivaay knew it was nothing but love, in which both fell into.

Touching her bare leg with his hands, he got up and held her legs around his waist as they were. Annika rubbed her eyes as she was still in sleepy mode, as she looked at Shivaay who had a smirk on his face, she was confused of what was coming up.

"Accha, let me go and bath" Annika tried getting away but his grip tightened more as he held her by waist and their bodies were colliding with each other.

"Not so soon" Shivaay reached for her lips and in a second he kissed her lips, their tongues met and they fought for dominance, he nibbled over her upper lips and she sucked his lower one, no doubt both were equal in kissing too.

Not breaking apart, Shivaay got her up in his arms while her legs around his hips, he walked inside the bathroom. Still kissing each other, Shivaay stopped for a second and entered her mouth more desperately, wanting her more he continued playing with the hem of her skirt.

Dropping her down on her feet, he went ahead and caged her between his arms and she looked at his blue orbs, shining in an unknown desire. Shivaay reached for the tap of shower and in a moment, they were drenched in water.

As the drop of water dripped throughout her body, he had an urge to suck it all off, Annika was indeed the only person who can turn on shivaay singh oberoi, the stone hearted person was all ready to melt under her embrace just to spend his entire life with her.

Going ahead, he cupped her ravishing face and kissed the tip of her nose, earning a giggle from annika. "What's funny?" Shivaay's hand entered her top, touching her bare waist.

"" Stammering, Annika held her breathe in her throat and shut her eyes tightly as she could.

"Annika, are you alright with what I am doing?" He asked her out of the blue and she shot opened her eyes, cupping his face, she soothed him by tracing her palm from forehead to his well built chest.

"I am yours shivaay" His eyes brimmed in an unknown pool of tears and he intertwined their fingers together.

"Thank you for trusting me so much" Smooching her cheeks ever so gently, she blushed under his embrace.

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