iv • drenched in love

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[ chapter four • drenched in love ]

The slight change in her behaviour from happy to sad one, Shivaay knew what exactly made her so. He couldn't simply cut her call and make things worse which already are.

Annika looked up to him with hope that he won't pick her call but it went in vain when his hands reached for 'receive call'. Annika sighed and looked away, trying hard not to break down in front of him, she always knew how much important Tia was for Shivaay, he was her fiance afterall how couldn't he?

Shivaay looked at Annika who was not paying any attention to him, he walked away as he didn't want Annika to be more sad after listening to both their conversation.  Picking up the call which was ringing from long, he closed his eyes and got ready to hear her words.


"Shivaay 'baby' where have you been? We have exactly three weeks to go for our wedding and you are not even here"

Shivaay shook his head as she started with her blabbering, how could she understand that her fiance was all ready to break the deal or the knot.

"Tia listen, I am stuck at work, how can I come here?"

Tia rolled her eyes, thinking what exactly was this man up to today.

"Shivaay 'baby' then who will look around for the arrangements when Annika is also not here"

"Listen Tia, there are many workers to look for the decoration and stuff"

Shivaay was hell irritated by Tia till now, he wondered how did he even agree for this deal, he couldn't help but think of Annika instead of listening to her useless talks.

"You aren't listening to me right, talk to dadi"

Tia passed the phone to Kalyani as she didn't know how to deal with the stubborn man she was marrying.

"Billu, don't you want to marry Tia?"

Kalyani asked in a serious tone, Shivaay placed his hands on the reeling of the balcony and stood gazing at the view outside, taking a deep breath in, he closed his eyes.

"Dadi, I don't know what is awaiting at the end, it can be happy or a sad one, but I promise to make everything fine"

Kalyani couldn't help but smile at the indications said by him, if she wasn't wrong she was going to get her bahu 'Annika'.

"I want you to make perfect decision billu, your one step can destroy or make her life, I want my 'Annika' to be happy"

Shivaay gasped hearing Annika's name as he wasn't expecting her dadi to know him so deeply and properly but growing up holding her fingers made his first thoughts go in drain.

"Dadi, that's why I need time, and I am coming back after two weeks so wait"

"And Billu? Don't be naughty and tease my Annika"

Shivaay smiled and scratched his forehead with little blush formed over his cheeks.

"Yeah, I won't. love you, bye"

Cutting the call after hearing 'Bye' from his dadi, he turned himself only to look at devastated Annika, gulping down her saliva, her hand left up in the air hanging, he looked down to find the plate with pancake with chocolate syrup on it which was lying down on the floor now.

"Annika before concluding anything listen to me" Shivaay calmly took a step back and she went a step back, surprising Shivaay, he knew what blunder would have been created in her mind.

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