vii • i will be with you

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[ chapter seven • i will be with you ]

"I want everything perfect Khanna" Shivaay kept his hands in pants pocket and ordered.

Cutting the call as he knew that khanna would never make things go wrong, he had blind trust on Khanna.

Scrolling down in his phone, he stood there reading about 'business' stuff, where some praised him and some degraded him, making a scowled face, he shut his phone and looked at the weather which looked densed.

Annika sweated in sleep as she had the same nightmare which reeled inside her brain from more than ten years, clutching the sheet, she painted hardly as she starved for oxygen.

Getting up with a jerk, Annika was in a panicking mode, looking around she didn't see Shivaay which scared her further, the lights were off and the climate was dark, she had Nyctophonia which added more to her for being scared.

"Shivaay?" No response, she got up and shouted again "Shivaay?" Annika gulped down in fear.

"Shivaay I am scared" She said in a stammering way and took baby steps as she couldn't see anything in the dark.

Walking a step ahead, she collided with the table resulting in her getting hurt on the thighs and she moaned in pain.

"Ahh" she got down, rubbing her thighs where she was hurt.

She got up and decided to walk upstairs, thinking he would be up there doing something important as he left her down alone. Walking up till where stairs started from, she took a deep breathe in and steeped on the first one.

Reaching till the third last one, she had a unknown smile formed as she reached up, being happy, Annika casually took one step ahead and looked up to her destination when her feet disagreed to give her side and the half feet left in the mid air, losing her balance, she fell down in a dangerous way.

Her screams died in throat as she rolled down and hit her head on reaching the fourth step and again when she hit her floor lastly. She had no movement as she lay motionless in the pool of blood.

Shivaay had his heart ranging in an unknown fear, like something bad was happening and he couldn't help, sighing, he removed the unwanted thoughts and made his way inside.

Reaching there he saw the power was off, going ahead and switching the lights on, it didn't lighten up the hall instead it was still dark, Shivaay knew it was a power cut.

Shivaay made his way towards the sofa where Annika was sleeping but instead he found no one except a bedsheet lying.

"Annika?" He shouted as he looked around for her in the darkness.

Turning on the flash of his phone, he looked for Annika but he found no one, taking some steps ahead, his feet hit with something soft and big.

Taking his flash down to focus on the thing he hit with, there he saw his 'love' lying lifeless in a pool of blood.

"Annika, Annika" he got onto his knees and took her head in his laps, shaking her little, his eyes pooled up in tears.

"Hey, stop pranking, I swear, I won't talk to you" Rubbing her cheeks, he tried waking her up.

"Annika, please wake up" Clutching her hands in his, he shaked her but she laid down as she was.

Not waiting a second more, he sternly picked her up in his arms while wiping away the tears which just flowed.

Going towards the car, he took a handkerchief and tied around her head to stop the loss of blood from her body, setting her up in the car, he took onto the driving seat and started the engine, he was sure nothing was going to happen with her because he knew, she couldn't leave him, not now.

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