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Sara's POV

       Sara's POV

            I tried sensing any emotions on his face but Liam's face was too cold and confused for me to understand anything. A shiver ran through my spine. Is he angry or disappointed? Am I going to lose him for a little lie?

"Why Sara? Why did you agree?!" he said at last.

"Because, because I felt warm around them, like they were family, my family," I hesitated.

"We were your family too," he whispered. "If they're really your family, why did they put you in so much danger?"

"Yes, you and Eliza were a family to me but your grandmother hated me, and that was enough for me to feel like an outsider. Even Eliza is not as close to me as you are. Liam, you are the only family I had since I came here. The Williams, on the other hand, are different. They did cause me lots of troubles but it isn't their fault. They were put in a situation they didn't wish for, just like me. Liam, I have something in common with them. When I was young and had to face the world on my own, I had no support. I felt so weak and didn't find anyone but myself for support. Look at them; they are everything I wanted to have as a child. I would do anything to keep this family united, and I wish, I just wish they would consider me part of them permanently," I explained. My heart was racing as I talked. I was worried that Liam would be hurt by my words, but I always considered him my best friend whom I could tell anything without fear.

            I could sense something wrong with him. He was looking at me with a frown he tried to hide. I knew him too well, though. He couldn't try to fake being indifferent when he was boiling on the inside. It pained me that he was angry with me, but he asked for the truth, and I was fed up with lying. I can't see him hoping I'd stay without telling him the truth. He is the most caring person I've ever met and doesn't deserve to be hurt. I'm still lost, though. Do I actually like him or am I just feeling homesick for Sara Adams? Those feelings are driving me crazy. I don't want to let them tie me down. I have to put them aside and think of my new future.

"C'mon Liam, don't give me that look," I begged taking a step towards him. "We'll always stay friends and family. That won't affect..."

"Shh," he said placing a finger on my lips. He was breathing uneasily, and I knew something was not right, but I didn't understand what it could be."I don't want to hear anything else. I think you made your feelings clear. You're my sister too and," he stopped to get hold of himself. "And I'll be happy as long as you are. I don't know how will I survive the coming months, but I will knowing that you're coming back, right?" he gave me a broken look.

"I-I don't know, but I guess I am coming back, why wouldn't I?" I replied confused. I'm not leaving forever, and we're still going to stay friends even if I'm in another world, why is he that broken?  "Liam, don't ever feel that I'm leaving you behind. You will always be the brother I can count on, my support when I'm in trouble, and my best friend when I need someone to talk to. That will never change," I uttered comfortingly.

"Yes," he smiled. "Promise me that you'll keep in contact."

"I promise."

I caught a slight twist in his expression. "And I promise you that you can always count on me. If anything goes wrong, just call me, and I'll be there. I'm worried about all the danger you're putting yourself in. Please take care of yourself and don't hesitate to ask me for anything."

"Don't worry, I will. I'm still exhausted from the drug. I need to rest my mind. Can you please take me home?" I requested softly.

"Yes," he smiled, and we tiptoed our way out. I felt bad for Parker. He was trying to be hospitable but Liam didn't want any contact with him, so he suggested we leave without informing him. Parker did really get me furious when he said he knocked off Liam. Funny guy, he really thought Liam would try to harm me.

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