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(I hope 👆🏻helps you understand omega better)

Kim Seokjin

I stormed into the main hall, pissed off. I was on my heat on one of the most important days of the year and it hurts. The pills take maximum 30 minutes to work and knowing my body, it will take effect the latest possible.

My scent was masked off as soon as I drank the pill but the pain won't wear off.

My mood was already off but Jungkook was insisting on being a brat about me inviting our enemy pack. I stood next to Jungkook's chair and looked at him. He was almost sleeping. Aish this kid

As soon as Silver pack entered the room, I could sniff a strong smell of books (cause Namjoon loves books) came into my nose. I felt my feet shaking and my eyes becoming watery. I was already on my heat and this smell was making it even more difficult for me. I was unable to stand on my own feet.

I felt the whole world around me becoming blurry. I could not hear anything. All I could feel was that strong heat wave inside of my body. I flinched when I suddenly felt something on my waist. The smell got even stronger and I looked up.

A green haired man was looking down at me, with a grin showing his cute dimples. His fingers travelled on the nape of my neck making me arch my my back. He leaned down to my level and whispered in my ears. His voice made me feel ecstatic.

"Baby I am Namjoon. Room ??"

With that he intertwined our hands and started walking me to my room. We went through the large castle until finally arriving at my room. I unlocked my door and let Namjoon in.

Right after entering the room, I was pinned to the wall. Namjoon held both of my wrists above my head in his large hand palm. He went to my neck and inhaled my scent. My heat was probably doing effect on him. I tilted my head giving him more access to my neck.

He slid his hand under my shirt dress and started pressing his fingers against my already hard nipples. I was feeling twice sensitive under his touch. I was already a moaning mess even though he did not really start our mating yet.

"Are you ready ??" He asked in a calm but lusty voice.

I simply nodded in approval. He bit my neck, blood oozing out. I felt pain coming to my body. I waited for him to heal me but he continued kissing my neck leaving hickeys everywhere. I was hurting and feeling good at the same time. I whimpered to let Namjoon remember he did not heal me yet. He simply chuckled and let me like that.

"He-ah He..al m-aaah me al-ugh...ready...." I trembled and said with a lot of efforts.

"Where is your 'please' kitten ??"

"Ahhh S..t-haah...op being so kinky"

"You must like me being like that. Why else would we be mates ??"

He was right. I lived kinky things. Being tied to a bed's board and be fucked while begging for more. I let my kinky self take over me and said in a seductive voice.

"Please heal me daddy"

"You sure know how to talk"

His hands travelled to my butt and he started licking my mark. I feeling of euphoria went through my body. I did not realize but my pant and boxers were completely removed while he was licking my wound.

He carried me bridal style to the bed and threw me on it. He hovered above me and started at my naked body, checking me out.

"Get ready. You won't be able to walk for days "

To Be Continued
Hello 💕💕 Plz comment I love reading and replying to them 💓💕

To Be Continued Hello 💕💕 Plz comment I love reading and replying to them 💓💕

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The tweets are 😂😂😂

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