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Is there anyone reading this anymore ?...

Kim Taehyung

I wrap my hands around Jungkook's hand, gasping as he kissed me deeply, our tongues twirling around each other. He swiftly stripped me from every single clothing of my body. He bit his lips as I stood completely naked in front of him. He let me undress him and then pushes me back onto the wall.

"I've been wanting this for so long." Jungkook whispered next to my ear, biting my earlobe as he did so. His large hands went to my waist and then to my stomach, caressing my slightly protruding belly.

"I think we can be sure you're having my pups now baby you're showing a little bit." He said, pecking my lips and then slowly going down to my tanned neck. I let out a small gasp as he leaves small kisses on my mate mark, leaving me with butterflies in my belly.

"I'm scared." I mumble and Jungkook gives me one of his warmest bunny smiles, picking me up in his arms and carrying me to our bed. He caresses my cheeks and tilts my head to make me look up to him.

"It will be alright baby. I'm here, I'll help you." He states, leaving kisses all along my stomach, making me giggle and smile brightly. I felt a little bit more reassured.

"You won't be able to help me get the baby out. Don't act cocky." I teased and he stared at me in disbelief. He scoffs as he spreads my legs, pushing them onto my chest.

"And here I was trying to be sweet and loving." He sarcastically spat and I smiled. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to me.

"You know I like it rough Baby Koo." I mocked and I could see a smirk plastered on the corner of Jungkook's pink lips. He harshly pushed two fingers inside of me, making me choke up my breath.

I tightened my hands around his neck and arched my back as Jungkook hit my sweet spit dead on with his fingers each time he thrusted in. He pulls his fingers out, staring at me, as if asking for permission to continue.

I suddenly sit up, pushing Jungkook onto the bed, climbing on top of him. His hands wander to my waist, caressing the soft skin while staring at me with dilated pupils. I gave him a shy smile before going down to in between his thighs.

He quirked a brow, awaiting my next move. I stared at his huge shaft in front of me, gulping before I placed it between my lips, licking the tip. I felt encouraged as Jungkook let out some low, deep groans. I lowered my head, taking him all up down my throat.

He moaned out loudly, making me bob my head up and down as fast as I can. Jungkook's hand went on my hair, gripping on it and pulling it. He suddenly pulled my hair up and pushed my hair down, making his whole shaft go down deep my throat.

I stopped, going on top of Jungkook, lifting my body and aligning his cock with my gaping hole. I trembled. Jungkook's hand went to my butt, lifting me up slightly before banging back inside of me.

"You love it when I ram inside of you don't you baby ?" Jungkook smirked as he stared at me; head thrown back, lewd moans leaving my lips and cock bobbing against my stomach as He thrusts in with an animalistic pace.


I flinched as an aching pain went through my spine. I got out of Jungkook's strong hold around my waist and slipped on a light bathroom robe. Sighing, I went to our window, staring out at the beautiful garden outside.

I gasped as I saw a small pup hurt and crying on the lawn. I immediately put on some pants and a random shirt and ran downstairs to the cute baby. As I got there, I could see the little pup crying, his face red as he clutched his leg  which was bruised.

"How did you fall ?" I asked, kneeling down next to him and taking his small limb onto my hand and examining it. It was not that bad. But small pups have fragile bones so I should carry him back inside.

"I was playing and it felt as if someone pushed me." The pup pouted, tears rolling down his chubby pink cheeks. I smiled at his cuteness and stood up.

"Come here." I smiled, opening my arms so that I could carry him back to the pack house.

"I can't believe you actually fell for it." A voice said behind me, making me flinch. I turned around to see someone I did not await. Jiyong. He smirked, getting closer to me and placing his hand on my mouth to stop me from screaming.

Two other man had already come around and took the pup into their hands. He grinned before removing a dirty cloth out of his pocket and placing it against my nose, forcing me to smell the toxic absorbed in it.

"Good Night Taehyung." He spat, my eyed becoming heavy and closing. The last thing I could remember was seeing Jiyong leave the little pup back at the pack house.

"Tell your alpha uncle Jiyong is back." He whispered next to the pup's ear.

To Be Continued
A shitty chapter I know.
Don't kill me I know it took an eternity and I am sure no one reads this book anymore. I just felt like this book was boring and not so fun. But I started writing so now I have to finish it.

I have a new book idea and I hope you guys will read it better than this one 💜

Thanks for reading 💜
Love you 💜💜💜💜💜💜

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