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Kim Taehyung

I quickly rush downstairs, now fully dressed up. I follow the loud noise emerging from the common hall and stop in my track when I see Jungkook in front of me.

I try to see what was happening between the jam packed hall but all I could figure out was the silhouette of two men tied up.

"What's happening Jungkook ?" I ask my mate, tugging on his sleeve like a kid. He smiles and brings me forward with him. His hand was around my waist and his posture was reeking of dominance.

"I told you I would figure all of this out." He whispers in my ear as we approach forward. My eyes widens in shock as I see Minki and another alpha tied up. Now that I take a good look at Minki, he does not seem to be an omega. Not at all. He reeks of alpha pheromones.

"You were right Jungkook." Namjoon smiled ad he approaches me and Jungkook. I just stare at them blankly, trying to understand whatever was happening.

"Wait someone explain." My eyes wander between the two alphas in front of me as some of the beta of our pack are lifting Minki and that other man from the ground. Namjoon nods at me before he starts explaining whatever the fuck was going on.

"As you may have already noticed, Minki is not an alpha." I frown and nod quickly, wanting to know something else. Jungkook just smiles fondly at me and kisses my forehead.

"Now is not the time Jungkook." I immediately push him away as I witness Namjoon stopping in his track when he sees Jungkook kissing me.

"So Minki used an omega perfume to hide his pheromones and Jungkook already knew that." I quirk a brow at Jungkook. All of the time I was jealous because of Minki, he could have just told me he is an alpha but no. Jungkook let me have this misconception and enjoyed it all.

"You little prick. You knew ?! And you still didn't tell me ?!" I hit him repeatedly on his broad chest but he simply chuckles as he seem to enjoy it all. He grabs hold of my wrist and tells me to let Namjoon continue.

"Jungkook guessed that Minki was disguised as an omega to win the other omegas' trust, kidnap them and sell them. We figured out he would try to come again because he has our pity so we trapped him."

I roll my eyes at Jungkook's cocky and proud smile. Yes I agree he has enough wit to crack Minki's plan but he way too overly proud of himself. Like he should calm his shit down.

"How did we trap him you ask ?"

"Nobody asked." Jungkook proudly spoke up about his achievement but I take the pleasure of cutting his pride in half.

"You should interrogate Minki instead." I gesture towards the two tied up men in the hall. The entire pack is glaring at them for what they did to our pack. Now that I think of it, why did they even beat up these poor omegas.

"I don't really have anything to ask him." Jungkook responds, staring at Minki. His eyes are full of questions even if he denies he has any. I sigh and back hug him. He really acts like a child around me.

"If you say so. However I have questions." Jungkook stops me from approaching Minkin as if the restrained man could jump on me and eat me raw. My eyes widen as I feel myself being lifted and thrown on Jungkook's shoulders.

"That's not our job." He smacks my ass and I glare at him as everyone is in front of us. I told Jungkook I would say the truth to them but not today. I stretch my hand to pull on his hair and make him pay for spanking me but he grabs both of my hands, stopping me.

"Take Minki and that man to the torture room. Yoongi will do his job." He rasps as he stride towards our room. I am thrown onto the bed as Jungkook hovers above me. He leaves wet kisses on my forehead and my jawline.

He bites on my soft skin, leaving purple marks which contrasts to my tanned skin. He spreads my legs, coming in between them and joins our lips together. 

Our lips twirl wig each other, my whole body burning from the inside. I wrap my arm around his neck and he wraps his hand around my waist. We stay like that, cuddling for a while.

For some reasons, I do not want to be separated from him. I feel nauseous even if he is a few meters away from me. At first I thought it was just my possessiveness showing up because of Minki. However, even after I know he is not an omega, the feeling just won't go away.

Jungkook nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck, taking in my scent. He sighs in pleasure as he pecks my mating mark.

"I've been hesitating to tell you something since the other day Tae." He suddenly speaks up, making me blink my eyes rapidly in confusion. I play with my finger in nervousness and Jungkook seems to realize that.

"It's nothing bad don't worry." He reassures me, making me nod hesitantly. He smiles warmly at me, kissing my lips which were up in a pout.

"Your scent has been changing baby."

To Be Continued
I know this was a shitty chapter but it's only cause I feel like shit.

BTS comeback in idk how manyI days but ik it's near 💪🏻🙌🏻 (2 weeks maybe ?¿)

Love y'all 💜💜💜
Thanks for reading 💜💜💜

Love y'all 💜💜💜Thanks for reading 💜💜💜

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