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Kim Namjoon

I was left alone with Jungkook and it was all but comfortable. We were both so awkward with each other we couldn't even look at each other. Who thought alphas would be so awkward with each other. We sat uncomfortably in the living room while Jin was talking to Taehyung.

"What do you think they are talking about ?" I finally managed to ask. Jungkook looked at me with his big doe innocent eyes. He looks kinda cute. Well he is my future brother in law after all. I am sure that Taehyung will forget about all the grudges he has against Jungkook. I mean...he won't be able to control himself from mating Jungkook

"About me...I think..." Jungkook said. He was fiddling with his fingers nervously and playing with the hem of his shirt. He is not as cruel as I thought he would be. He look more like a cute dongsaeng to me. Him and Taehyung are literally made for each other. He seems kinda bipolar tho.

"Are you nervous Jungkook ah ??" I was feeling comfortable with him now. It was as if I knew him for a very long time. He looks like he has a soft spot for people he likes. For example Jin.

"Do you think he will reject me hyung ??" He bit his lips nervously and looked at. I gave him a small smile and tried to comfort him. I am not really good at comforting people. Alphas are known for keeping their feelings to themselves. That's what makes them 'strong'

"No. But why are you so nervous ??" I demanded raising one of my brows. Jungkook simply looked down and closed his eyes. He didn't answer me. Looks like it is something he doesn't want to talk about. I just shrugged it off and look at the door where Jin was.

" 'sup guys" I turned around and saw Yoongi hyung. He simply went to the couch in front of us and threw his body on it. Such a lazy ass. He yawned and started closing his eyes but looked at Jungkook first.

"Yah muscle pig what's wrong " he spat coldly, acting like he did not care. But we all know he cares a lot. Jungkook just looked at him and ignored the new nickname. Muscle pig. That's accurate.

"Nothing." Jungkook mumbled. I pat his back and he flinched. Did I scare him ??. I looked at his face and he was flushed. What ??

"Sorry it's just that you reminded me of someone..." he said when he saw me looking at him. Must be his dad. I thought. I was able to read people's facial expressions for some reasons. Jungkook was showing such a painful and sad face right now.

I sighed. That must also be why he wants to mate Taehyung so much. He is the only 'family' left on this world for him. I looked at Yoongi hyung. Surprisingly he was not fulfilling his dream of becoming a rock. He was looking at Jungkook with a concerned face.

The door opened and the two boys came out. Jungkook tensed up on the couch and shyly glanced at Taehyung. His eyes were red and he was clenching on Jin's pink hoodie. They got close pretty quick. Jin held Tae's hand and walked with him to Jungkook.

"You guys should go and talk." Jin said. Taehyung just dashed to the room and Jungkook followed with a smirk on his face. His attitude changed pretty quick. Bipolar as I predicted. Jin just stared at me while licking his lips. His eyes were unfocused and dilated. I scoffed and realized his scent became stronger. Was he still on his heat ??

He grabbed my hand and rushed us to his room. How did I not feel anything. He surprisingly pinned me against the wall on his room and started kissing me. I let him dominate me for the time being.

He tangles his fingers in my hair and kissing me deeply. I let my hand wander on his boy and all he does is gasp and moan. I slap his ass and he winced. Maybe sore from our previous making out session.

He grabs my shoulders and pushes me on the bed. I only watch him with a smirk on my lips. He straddles my lap and removed my shirt and me likewise. He starts leaving hickeys all over my chest and I groan. He was being so possessive. I remove everything he had below and start playing with his well rounded ass.

Slick was already dripping out of his hole and flowing on his thighs. I spanked him and turned us over. I spread him ans started eating him out. I twirled my tongue in his hole making him let out all sorts of heavenly moans.

I go up to his dick and take him in my mouth. He pulls my hair wanting me to go faster. I finger him and suck him at the same time. Just as he is about to come I stop everything. He whines and pulls me closer, lacking skinship.

I thrust in him suddenly making him gasp. I start moving without letting him adjust himself. He starts scratching my back, some blood oozing out. I slap his thigh and wrap his legs around my waist, thrusting faster and faster, Skin slapping echoing across the entire room. I lean towards him and kiss him, doubling the pleasure. He moans,gasps and shudders under me.

"Such a nice view." I whisper in his ears. He hides his face out of shame and I smirk at him. I take his hands away from his face and pin it above his head. I put his legs on my shoulder and grab his hips with my other hand. I start thrusting at an animalistic pace, changing the angle to touch his prostated at each thrust. His climax is near so I move my hand from his hips to his small sute dick and stop him from cumming.

He starts moving to out of my hold which was on his pinned hands but I only apply more force on his hands. I continue thrusting inside his hit cavern and his body arches away from the bed. He starts  moaning louder and louder enough for the whole palace to hear him. They know to whom he belongs now.

I finally come in him letting out some grunts and releasing the grip on his hands and dick. I continue moving inside of him and stoke his heat until he cums. I peck him on his lips as his chest is heaving up and down.

I let my body fall next to Jin  and look at him. A real beauty. I caress his cheeks and stroke his hair calmly. He clings to me as I pet his body. He lifts his thigh on my waist and I can feel my cum and his slick running down his thighs and the thought made me groan.

"I thought your heat already stopped" I whisper in his ears.

"I thought so too but you smell is just too strong."

I smiled at the idea of how much my smell can affect him. I close my eyes about to doze off a little bit. I was exhausted from making out twice in not even two hours. A strong smell of strawberry invades my nose again. Jin starts moaning out of pain and I just sigh. It is going to be a long day.

To Be Continued.
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