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Kim Seokjin

I plop my body on the couch as soon as Jungkook left. He must have also realized that Tae was going to have his needing. Namjoonie sits next to me and wraps his hand around my shoulders and leaving a kiss on my cheeks.

"I have something really important to talk about Jin." Namjoon says and the small slump of his shoulders is not missed. I straddle his lap and connect my hands with his neck.

"What's wrong ?" I inquire, tilting my head a little bit and playing with his hair. He smiles at my gestures and twirl his hands around my waist.

"You know I need to go back to my pack. I am the alpha after all." He starts and I hums, waiting for what he has to say next before complaining.

"I want you to come with me." I feel my heart increasing in speed, thinking about how I should do to reject that offer. The sad look in Namjoon's eyes emphasizes that he knows I'll be refusing.

"You know I can't come Namjoon ah I promised Kookie. Even though they are probably mated by now, I want to wait until everything is stable between them. Afterward I'll follow you even to the end of the world." I answer and Namjoon grins, satisfied of my response.

He leaves chaste kisses on my mate mark and then connects our soft lips together. He bites on my lower lip and pulls it, asking for entrance inside my mouth. Our tongues dance together, asking for dominance but I of course lets him win. Dominance is not my thing.

His palms slides from my waist to my ass, slowly spreading and kneading it. Small gasps and moans leaves my mouth and Namjoon carries me from the couch to my room. I wrap my legs around his waist and my hand around his neck, our passionate kiss never breaking as we walk up the stairs.

"A-ah J-Jungkook" I blush as we pass next to Taehyung's room. Everyone in this house is literally fucking.

"At least Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin are normal." I mumble to Namjoon as we pass in front of Hoseok's room. He always stays there when he comes.

"About that..." Namjoon starts and I stare at him wide eyed. I gasp and place my palm on my lips

"They're also doing that with three people ?!" I ask still shocked. Namjoon simply nods. And me who thought that there were some normal people in this house. They're even weirder doing it with three people. Heat rushes to my face as I think about that.

Namjoon enters the room, banging it open with his foot. He should really stop doing that. He literally breaks everything on his way including my ass. Poor me. Namjoon places me gently on bed and cuddle me. He wrapped is hands around my waist, my back against his chest.

I shuffle against him, making myself comfortable as he starts leaving kisses on the back of my neck. My eyes slowly starts closing, tired from the long and tiring day I just had. I really needed a nap and a long one on top of that.

"Wake up !!"  My eyes opens at the screaming of Jimin. He was wearing a large ovesized hoodie and his briefs. Seems like Hoseok gave him some of his clothes. I glance behind me to see Namjoon also rubbing his eyes, trying to wake up. 

Instead he just sleeps again pulling me close to him. How long did we sleep for . Unwrapping Namjoon's hand away from me after a lot of struggle, I grumble and sit down glaring at Jimin.

"We don't have time to fight right now Jin. We have an emergency.  Wake him up quickly and come to the hall." He says nodding at Namjoon and I rush at the tone of his voice. Seriously he could have simply said what was wrong.

I shake Namjoon, pecking his cheeks like if he is a baby, when I see that he was not going to wake up any time soon. He pulls me on his lap, his warm hands on my hips sending a shiver down my spine.

I lean down to his neck and bite it hard enough to see him open his eyes wide. I get off bed fixing my clothes and smirk when I see Namjoon. He has such a big bite mark on the visible part of his neck.

"Hurry up we have an emergency." I say leaving the room, chuckling at Namjoon's confused face.

Everyone is assembled in a circle around the table of the hole. I stand next to Jungkook, Joonie following me. They all have a worried look on their faces.

"You need to go back right now Namjoon. Your pack has been attacked by rogues." My eyes widens at Jungkook's words and so does Namjoon's. They should not have many loss though. After all their best warriors returned back home yesterday night.

"They are stronger than ever and kept some of the omegas as captive. The rest of your pack and wounded warriors came to take refuge here. I think we should simply merge our pack as one." Jungkook says and I look around. Tae is nowhere to be seen. That's good.

"If they're that strong then I see no problem to merge our pack. I should get going. I'll leave the omegas here with you Jungkook. We don't know when the rogues will attack." Namjoon peck me on my forehead, anger clearly visible in his eyes. He shifts in his wolf form, Hoseok and Yoongi following.

To Be Continued
Thanks for reading guys 💜

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