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Kim Taehyung

Stretching and yawning on the overly comfortable bed, I open my eyes which threatens to automatically close again. I completely lost notion of time just like what happens during my other heats.

I squint and look around the room for any trace of Jungkook. The mating mark on my collarbone makes me want to be snuggled against Jungkook right here and right now.

I stumble onto my legs and go down to search for him. Loud voices echoed across the entire lower part of the house. Were they having a party without me ?  Pouting and frowning, I entered the room trying to figure out what the hell was happening here.

I beamed as I saw everyone from my pack everywhere in the house. The children were running here and there screaming joyfully. The omegas were taking care of their pups and most of the alphas were absent, probably gone hunting.

"Taehyung !!" Joy ran to me and hugged my feet. I ruffled the cute girl's hair and pull her up into my arms kissing her all over the chubby cheeks. She giggled adorably and tried to struggle out of my grip as I start to tickle her.

"Hello there." I flinched at the deep, attractive voice but immediately smiled as Joy hid her face in my chest when she saw Jungkook peeking at her. I place the toddler back on the ground and turn around wrapping my hands around Jungkook's neck.

"Hey baby." I smirk as Jungkook raises a brow and stares at me. He'll need to get used to it. I was trained all my life to be dominant in front of my pack so he'll need to accept it whether he wants it or not.

"Is my babyboy trying to be dominant ?" He rasps next to my ear and I chuckle as I remove his hand away from my waist. Hopefully no one is watching. They are kinda busy with the running and uncontrollable kids.

"I can't just go and tell to my pack that I lied to them ever since my birth now can I ?" I whisper in Jungkook's ear as I wander my finger on his soft cheeks. This time, I am the one who wraps my hand around his waist and pull him closer to my body.

"You should have thought about that before you came out of the room reaking of me and having a large mate bite on your neck baby." My eyed widens and as reflex I pull Jungkook's face onto the crook of my neck to hide my mark. It makes me look like if I am protecting my omega. Except the whole world knows Jungkook is an alpha.

"Let's go to our room should we ?" I ask calmly and try to move but Jungkook simple does not want to budge. I stomp angrily on his feet and take his surprise to lift him up in my arms and throw him on my shoulders. He looked dumbfounded that I could even carry him. What is he thinking about ? I am a strong omega.

He does not even struggle in my grip as I place him on the ground of our room. He starts laughing hysterically as I place him on the couch in our bedroom. I blink my eyes rapidly, trying to figure out why the heck my mate was acting like he was crazy.

"Do not ever do that again omega. Understood ?" He growled his alpha self overpowering his mind. I whimper and nodded, not daring to glance up at him and face his anger.

"Answer me with words Tae." He lifts my chin with his fingers and gaze into my eyes. I bit my lips as I stared at his poker face. For some reasons I don't want to submit myself. I am completely okay with being mated with him but I'm going to be one of those girlish weak omegas.

"I don't want to." I answer, standing on my ground and glaring at Jungkook. He scoffs, eyes almost turning garnet but a knock on the door stopped him. My alpha's eyes shifts to the door as my body slumps in relief.

"Jungkookie~" I frown as the person calls my Jungkook with a seductive voice. I was about to bless the person who just saved me from Kook's claws but now just by hearing the unknown"s voice, I already hate him.

"Oh I am sorry for disturbing." The person squeaks 'cutely' as he sees me inside. I don't even know who that is. He is neither from my pack nor from Jungkook's but his smell reeks omega. Ew. Those horny omegas are trying to steal him away from me.

"Yeah you are disturbing us. You know the way out now if you could leave me and my mate alone." I gritted my teeth out of anger and waited for the boy to leave. I almost had to stop myself from growling at him.

"Who the heck was that ?" I ask as I turn back to Jungkook as the annoying boy leaves. He grins at me and envelopes me in a tight hug. He pecks me on my forehead as I glace up at him shyly.

"That baby, was Minki. Namjoon rescued him along with the others." He hieves a small sigh afterwards and smiled. I grimace. What does he mean by Namjoon rescued ?

"Namjoon rescued ?" He nods and then realization hits him as he understands I did not even know what he was talking about.

"That's a long story babe." He shrugs it off and begins to leave the room. I bang the door closed and push him to it while waiting for an answer.

"Ok first of all, while you were sleeping you pack was kinda attacked and the omegas were taken away but now it's all fine. Namjoon saved them and they are safe don't worry and we merged our pack for security." He quicly mentionned as he saw my face distorting in worry.

"Thank god they are fine." I ruffle my hair, thinking about why I should have been asleep in such a situation.

"Second of all." Jungkook continued and I tilted my head in confusion.

"Next time you try to dominate me when we are alone baby I will show you who the boss is." He says yanking my body towards his. Our skins touching made my whole body burn in desire and lust.

"I understand that announcing to your whole pack that you are an omega is difficult so let them think we are fighting for dominance. However, when it's just us two I want complete submission. Is that clear ?" He placed both of his large palms on my hips, making me shiver.

"Understood." He smiles at my answer and hold my  hands, going out of the room. He is already doing so much for my pack and I so a little submission to him would not hurt me. Not like I would be able to stand on my grounds.

To Be Continued.
I know I didn't update in like 2 weeks but I needed to figure out the plot of this story. I am going to do only Jk and Tae's pov for now cause I feel their story did not advance that much.

Thanks for reading 💜

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