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Kim Seokjin

I looked at Taehyung right after Jungkook and Namjoon left the room.

"Taehyung ah." I managed to say. I could not even imagine how it would be to be mated to a person who almost killed your entire pack. A pack is a relationship even closer than that of a family but there are things Taehyung does not know about Jungkook.

They all think of him as a bloody alpha who kills everyone on his way but he has all his reasons to why he tried to kill their pack.

"Please don't reject Jungkook..."

"Why hyung ?? You are saying this only because he is your family...Just imagine if Namjoon hyung killed most of your pack ! Would you still agree to mate with him ??"

I looked at Taehyung. He was right. I would also be hesitant to mate Namjoon if he was the killer of my pack. But I would also not reject him. A mate is meant to be closer to you that any one that exists.

"I believe that everything that has a reason why it happens Taehyung. You just need to know the reason why it happened. Only then you can decide whether what Jungkook did what unforgivable or not."

"And for what reason would Jungkook try to kill my entire pack ??" Taehyung said tears flooding his eyes. The attack sure affected him by the looks of it. I pulled him into my arms and hugged him. I rubbed his back soothingly and gently stroked his hair with the other.

"Let it all out Taehyung." I said with the softest voice I could make. He cried even harder and hugged me tightly. He remembered me of Jungkook.

Jungkook was never a heartless boys. Circumstances made him become like that. He was a kind and sensible boys before.


Jungkook was 10 and I was 14. He was a very joyful dongsaeng. He loved to play hide and seek with me and the master, his father.  He would always smile everywhere he would go and every one in the palace loves his bunny smile and his bright personality.

Master and the lady leave one day for the Silver pack. At that time our packs were friends. Jungkook's father and Taehyung's father were both great friends. I would also go with the master to the castle and they were a very cheerful pack.

The thing is...the master and the lady never returned. That day Jungkook was as usual running in the garden with a cute smile on his face. I was in charge of telling him that his parents died. I really did not want to do that but I was the only one he was close with.

"Jungkook ah come here for a second..."

"What is it hyung ??" He said hugging me as he saw tears welling my eyes. The alpha and luna was like a family to me when my mother abandoned me. They took great care of me and my heart felt broken into pieces when I heard about their deaths.

"You parents..."

"They passed away right ?" He said in a sad voice. My eyes widened and Jungkook was trying his best to restrain his tears. How did he know ?

I simply hugged him as tight as I could. He would not cry. After all he is an alpha. I kissed his forehead and ruffled his hair. A few tears rolled down my cheeks and Jungkook wiped them. He was already becoming mature. I gave him a proud smile and he kissed me on my cheeks.

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