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Jeon Jungkook

"I have another rule if you are like that. You have to wait 6 hours before attempting to get another mark so bye" I smirked at Taehyung's cuteness as he ran away from the room with a clear blush on his face.

I sighed. I really wanted Taehyung to accept me. I wanted to finally be able to call him mine and only mine. To touch him everywhere I wanted. To kiss him and make him feel so loved by me he would never be able to live without me again. I sighed again and let my body fall on my my bed. I kept thinking about the things I did to Taehyung. The moans he made in response to my touches. I groaned feeling my pants tighten on me. I tried to calm myself down.

I just could not. I was so turned on right now. My hands unconsciously went under my jeans and I started touching myself. I started pumping my part fantasizing about Taehyung licking on it. I imagined him looking at me with his innocent cute eyes and sucking my shaft.

I started pumping faster, closing my eyes. This time thinking that Taehyung was riding me. My hands wandering along his body and ass. His majestic moans each time I pushed in him. His flushed face and sweat dripping along his tanned body. His hard cock bouncing against his cute stomach.

"Ah Taehyung..." I groaned and came in long stripes of cum.

I got up, wanting to take a bath as my body and sticky and sweaty. I saw Taehyung standing at the door frame looking at me with those innocent doe eyes and red cheeks I love so much. I could not help but feel amused. Of course not embarrassed. We are meant to see more of each  in the near future anyways.

I approached him and wrapped my hands along his waist. He tensed up in my hands and tried pushing me with all his force. He was weak but stronger than other omegas. I take both of his hand and pull him closer to me. I kiss his forehead and chuckled.

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about." I chuckled again as he glared cutely at me. I just ruffled his hair and this time pecked him on his lips.

"Don't glare you look like a koala holding a knife." He blushed even more than he already was and punched my chest weakly. I smiled at him and took a change of clothes  and went to take my bath while mumbling a 'cute'

Time Skip

"Jungkook ah !!!" Jin hyung called with his high pitched voice from the kitchen. I ignored him and continued scrolling down my phone. I was quite enjoying myself. Taehyung was sleeping next to me his head on my chest and legs around my waist.

He was already asleep when I came out of the shower. He was snuggling with a pillow and I kindly yanked the pillow from him and replaced it by me. I gladly played with his hair and cuddled with him with playing with my phone.

"Jeon Jungkook !!!!!!" I sighed and yelled back at Jin hyung. My baby was sleeping and I did not want Jin hyung to wake him up.

"Shup up old pig !!" With that, my baby just rubbed his eyes and opened it while  squinting at me. His eyes widened and he looked puzzled as to why he was sleeping in my arms. I ruffled his hair and caressed his cheeks, admiring his handsome features.

"Sorry I woke you up. Jin hyung told us to come and eat..."

"Yah Jeon Jungkook what do you mean Old pig ??!" Taehyung let out a contagious musical smile. I take his hand and intertwined it with mine. I yanked him from the bed and carried him in my hands to the dining room. Suprisingly, he did not protest. He just clutched on my white shirt and snuggled his face in my shoulders.

"What's wrong ?? You are not pushing me now ??"

"Don't overthink it's for bed."

"Bed ?? Do you mean tha-"

"Bet !!! Bet !!! Slip of the tongue." He said and I sat him on the chair next to mine.

"Yea yea sure. We all know you want me to do you."

Taehyung was about to answer back when we heard a knock from the door. I ignored it. There must be someone else to open the door. I mean it's not like I have 50 servants in my house.

"Just fucking let me in !!" A voice came from the door. I grunt immediately recognizing that annoying high pitch voice. I roll my eyes and wait for someone else to open the door. They're getting paid to do all of that. And on top of that I would prefer if the door stayed closed.

"Yah Jeon Jungkook !! Jin hyung !! Anyone !!"

To Be Continued
Just a filler chapter
Hope you enjoyed it anyways 💕💕💕 Thanks for reading guys 💕💕🤗

Wait wait
Did you guys listen to epiphany 😍😍😍
Just wow to Mr worldwide handsome cutie guy

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