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Kim Taehyung

"Your scent has been changing baby." My eyes widens as these words leave Jungkook's lips. I cannot be pregnant so soon. Jungkook simply scoffs and runs his hand on my hair.

"We're not sure that you are pregnant baby but your scent is actually changing and you are being more clingy than usual." I push Jungkook's body away from mine and frown at him. Is he hating that I am being clingy ?

"You could have simply said you do not like me being so cuddly." I sternly say and get up from bed to leave our room. A shriek leave my lips as Jungkook pulls me back towards him so that I am straddling his lap.

"Don't go. I love your clinginess but you can't tell me you are not feeling happier and more energetic than usual." Jungkook soothingly comments making me roll my eyes.

"Stop being dumb Jeon Jungkook. I don't need to be pregnant to be happy." His hands caresses my thigh as he smiles at me. This little prick seems to be thinking that he is some kind of experienced doctor.

"Mood swings ?" He states, more like questionning himself. I pout and hit him on his chest.

"What do you mean mood swings ? That's my usual fucking mood." I lie down on top of him, wrapping my hands around his warm body and hugging him.

"If you say so my cute baby." I hum, closing my eyes and enjoying our closeness. He plays with my hair, ruffling and caressing the soft strands. My whole body calms down as I hear his heartbeat synching with mine.

"Do you hate being pregnant that much ?" Jungkook asks in a small voice, taking me by surprise. I sit up, pulling his body up along with me and staring deep into his sparkling brown eyes.

"That's not what I meant Jungkook. I am not ready mentally for a baby right now. You don't wake up everyday and have the new that you have another life inside of you. If I am actually pregnant, I just need some time to accept it." I state, smiling when I see Jungkook nodding like a kid who received a scolding.

"I should probably tell my pack I am an omega by the end of the day. Even if I am not pregnant right now, I will be someday and I don't expect them to believe an alpha can get pregnant."

I ruffle my hair and sigh, worried about my pack's reaction. Yes, it could be positive but I am persuaded it won't be. After all, I've been lying to them since my birth.

"Everything will be okay baby." Jungkook grinned and kissed my forehead, reassuring me.

"When are you going to call me hyung again little brat." I pushed Jungkook onto the soft mattress, sauntering over him. The only time he called me hyung was in front of the other pack members AND it was only once.

I pin his hands above his head, getting slightly frustrated when Jungkook seems to be loving it. He smirks mockingly at me, as if asking me to show him what I could do. I grit my teeth, knowing that whatever I would do would never hurt him.

I pull on his hair, making him look at me but he just scoffs. He liberates his hands free in the fraction of a small second as if it was not even restricted and roll us over. He let his hand roam along the curves of my body and frowns.

"Why are you trying to be dominating these time huh ? I thought we talked about it. I decide on what I want to call you and how I treat you. Stay in you lane Taehyung." His alpha voice is so controlling and dominant that I cannot even contradict him. I simply nod and admire his face as it brightens up.

"Excuse me." I hear a small voice after a loud knock on the door. Jungkook gets up from bed, sighing and lazy before opening the door. Jimin smiles at me and Jungkook as soon as he sees us and then continues.

"Yoongi said he got some important information to share." Jimin smiled, happy that Yoongi gave his an important mission. I coo at him and get up from bed to pinch his plump cheeks. He skips away to the meeting room, elated that he was complimented twice in a day.

That is one of the reasons everyone love Jimin in our pack. He is so innocent and cute. He also is the only one who takes any kind gestures by heart. A literal angel.

"You are not in the position to coo at someone baby." Jungkook rasps out before spanking and groping my ass. I roll my eyes at him. He really is like some horny teenager who was deprived from sex for years.

I hold his hand, following him to the meeting room where all of the boys were. Jungkook took his place at the head of the table and waited for Yoongi to provide him with the informations. 

"We know who Minki's boss is and that man is also the one who wrote that threat to us when Namjoon's pack was attacked." Yoongi immediately starts explaining as soon as Jungkook is in full concentration.

"So is the man.." Jungkook trailed, wanting Yoongi to confirm his statement. Honestly, no one seem to be following these two except for Namjoon. He is the only one who seems to even understand about who they were talking.

"The man is effectively your supposedly dead uncle."

To Be Continued
•Well I would really appreciate you guys' feedbacks cause idk if the story is even interesting.
•I also need opinions on the new cover

Love y'all
Thanks for reading

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