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Kim Namjoon

I go downstairs to eat after taking a short but relaxing bath. As soon as I reach the kitchen I see Jin standing there beautifully cooking an omelette. I approach him and wrap my hands around his thin waist. I kiss his neck taking in his sweet smell mixed with mine.

I place my head on his shoulder and I see Jimin talking with Taehyung. I called Jimin here so his presence did not surprise me. I needed another omega to resonate with Tae. He needed to accept Jungkook if he didn't want to get hurt during his painful needing.

Jimin is well known for his persuasion in our pack. Even the stubborn Taehyung listens to him. He is an angel who just gives good advices. He even admitted it himself.

I leave a small peck on Jin's shoulder and go to welcome Jimin. That's when I realize Jungkook is staring, more like glaring at Jimin. I scoff and ruffle Jimin's hair.

"Ah hyung !! You scared me !!"

Me and Taehyung both chuckles. Jimin was like our brother. He was always with us and we loved his presence. He was kinda like a sister you needed to protect and we love him for that.

"Sorry sorry. How are you doing ??"

"Good hyung. Thanks for leaving me behind. I am very grateful."

"Haha my bad. Can I talk to you in private Jimin ??" I ask him.

He immediately gets up and follows me to a random guest room. (A/N: Remember they live in a palace...). I close the door behind us and smile slightly at Jimin.

"Hyung are you mated ?" He asked, his eyes widening slowly. I grin at him happiness rushing into my veins.

"Yeah. You must've already met Jin right ? He is my mate."

"Jin hyung ? He is cool."

"Of course he is."

"So hyung...Why did you need to talk to me ? Is there any problem ?"

"Actually Jimin ah I need someone to talk to Tae. You may or may have not noticed it yet but Jeon Jungkook is Tae's mate. You could say he did not take it well..." Jimin looks at me knowingly. He knows how much Tae hated Jungkook even before meeting him. He knows that Taehyung despise him because of his actions on the day the rogue attacked us.

"Hyung. He does not seem like he is hating the fact they are mates anymore. I mean he looks pretty comfortable with Jungkook. He was even sitting on his lap when I came."

"I do not know what changed his mind Jimin ah but still. You should talk to him and give him some good advice. Like you always do." I give him a small smile which is warmly returned to me.

"Sure Hyung !!" Jimin said cheerfully

"Before I forget. You wanted to get to know Yoongi Hyung since a very long time right ?? He is here with us you can go and meet him." I said remembering Jimin wanted to meet him since he first came to our pack.

I glance at Jimin a wide smile was now plastered on his lips.

He always listened to Taehyung complaining about Yoongi hyung. I heard,most of times, Tae whining about how Yoongi hyung would never cuddle with him or let him peck him on his cheeks to Jimin. Yoongi loves him but hates any type of skinship. I believe Tae even told Jimin the wonderful gift he got from Yoongi for his birthday.

A flower bud called Mimosa Pudica.

Also known as touch me not flower. (A/N: The flower I want to give to every single one of my friends when they come to hug me each time we hangout.)

I remember Jimin laughing his ass off that day and coming right up to me saying he wanted to befriend the savage older. Unfortunately for him that same year Yoongi hyung left for China to complete his stage to become an alpha. He came back last year but was so busy with his alpha duties he did not come visit us at all.

Jimin immediately started jumping around in excitement. I know that Yoongi hyung would perhaps push a way the younger as soon as they met but Jimin would change that.

I exit the room and go down the hallway, starving. I must say I am excited to taste Jin's food. It would not be as delicious as him though.

I see two figures about the same length making out as I near the kitchen. My eyes widened. Yoongi and Hoseok. Two alphas being mates would be abnormal. I stare at them wishing they would notice my presence and explain whatever the fuck was happening.

However judging by their scent they were mates.

I just shrug it off as it seems like if they would not notice me anytime soon. That shit was going to be fun to watch. They are both alphas and their instinct is to dominate and I don't think any of the two would submit. This palace is fun to live in.

To Be Continued

Ok so it seems to me that yoonminseok won. Sorry for those who wanted Yoonmin and Sope but the majority wins.

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