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Kim Taehyung

I shift around in bed, my naked body feeling utterly comfortable in Jungkook's warm embrace. I pull his body closer to mine, wrapping my hands around his neck and my foot around his waist. This is my favourite position to cuddle.

I peck him on his forehead and snuggle in the crook of his neck, admiring his handsomeness. His jawline looks so sharp, his uncovered forehead make him look so sexy and his pink lips make me want to kiss him all my life.

I kiss him again, this time on his lips. I shake him slighly, trying to wake him up. He simply whines and moves his body a little bit, signaling he won't be waking up soon. I pout and this time shake him even harder. I am hungry and he should be bringing me food like the good alpha he is.

"Wake up I'm hungry" I whine next to his ears, trying to disturb his peaceful sleep. He grunts and places his pillow on top of his ears, making me frown in slight annoyance.

"I am tired from last night baby." He mumbles, not even opening his eyes. This time I am even more pissed off. If he is tired from last night then I should be dead by now. HE is not even the one taking it up in the ass.

I get on him and straddle his hips and start pinching his bunny cheeks. He does not even budge by an inch. I start thrashing about on his lap while shaking his entire body. He has no right to sleeps while I am the most tired one here.

I flinch slighly when his warm palms find place on my waist and strongly hold me in place. I turn back to look at him to find that he is staring intently at me. His hands travel to my butt as he gropes it roughly, not breaking eye contact.

"Are you not tired enough from last night ? Do you want another round ?" He rasps with his morning husky voice and flip us over so that he is on top of me. My eyes widen as he semi hard dick presses on my naked inner thigh.

"I-I s-sorry" I quicly mumble, blushing under his strong and dark gaze. His finger caresses my cheek, making me shiver. He lifts up my chin making me keep eye contact with him. He joins our lips together into a passionate kiss.

His kisses travels from my lips to my jawline and then to my neck where he starts leaving new hickies on top of the ones made last night. I jolt in surprise when two of his fingers suddenly enters my sore hole. I glance at him only to find that he is smirking mischieviously.

As much as I would love being fucked right now, I am sore and he is going to make my state worse. I quickly get on my knees, Jungkook following me, an eyebrow quirked. Without saying anything, I gesture him to get up and he seems to understand why as he immediately complies.

"Go on." He orders. This is the first time I'm doing this. I lips tremble as I take him entirely inside of my mouth, sucking and licking the tip of his crotch. He groans, his fingers playing with my bangs and sometimes pulling on them.

I bob faster, knowing that he is loving the feeling my lips around his dick as his moans get higher and higher. He grabs my head and forces me to take his dick entirely. Thank god I have no gag reflex.

I also move my head to meet up with his harsh thrusts. His dick gets harder and harder and precum drips inside of my throat, making me choke slightly however he does not stop. His hips snaps faster and faster, saliva dripping on the corner of my lips.

"Swallow it all babe." His voice reeks of dominance and something irks inside of my stomach. He releases himself deep inside of my throat as I gulp it all down. He grins at me when he sees some of his cum mixed with saliva overflowing on my lips.

A knock on the door makes both of our attentions avert from each other. Jungkook stares at the door then at me as if telling me to hide my naked body. I comply, running to the bathroom, still peeking to know who it is.

"We have an emergency Jungkook." A voice that I recognize as Namjoon talks, nervous.


"So to sum everything up, four omegas who were neither from your pack nor mine are missing and we have a letter left from their abducters ?" Jungkook inquires, his fingers tapping on the white table.

"Seems like a trap to me. Why else would the abducters leave a letter with his identity on it ?" I answer while all of the others nod in agreement.

"Not exactly." Namjoon answers and flings the paper in front of me.

"They also have two omegas from your pack Jungkook. And on the letter is written, as you can clearly read: Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily. That's all. The only thing we can do is assume who the abducter is."

"Who's missing ?" Jungkook asks while glaring at the paper in front of him. He seems to be knowing who the kidnapper might be.

"Mark and Jungwoo from your pack." Jungkook nods while he seems to be calculating something deep in his mind.

"Sungwoo, Minhyuk, Kikhyun and Minki." Everyone just glanced at me when Minki's name was pronounced.

"What ?!" I angrily growled, making all of the six boys mind their own business. I don't know how to feel about Minki getting kidnapped. Without being rude, I am sure that whore is enjoying whatever they are doing to him.

"Why would they even kidnap them ?" Jimin suddenly asked. Well he does have a point. What would the kidnapper get from taking away some omegas who are not even from our pack. It's not like Jungkook is going to give them ransom or anything.

"We should do our best to find them. Those abducters clearly want more than these omegas." Jungkook answers, eyes hooded with anger.

To Be Continued
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Love y'all
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