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Kim Namjoon

I run back to my pack house with Yoongi and Hoseok at full speed. I'm at the brink of tears. I was an extremely irresponsible alpha who left his pack for weeks and let them get attacked.

We shift as we arrive in my territory. Every thing is in complete chaos. I do not even recognize the place that I once called home. All the houses surrounding the pack house were in ruins. The once cheerful land was now in debris.

I bite my lips to stop my tears as Yoongi comes next to me and pat my back. Crying is for the weak. I get serious again and search for hints about where the omegas could be. I have no time to lose. They're waiting for their leader to save them.

I shift back to my wolf form and sniff around, trying to catch an unknown person's smell. I concentrate as much as possible in the middle of ashes and destroyed houses to analyse our surroundings.

"Over here." Hoseok says, mind linking between me and Yoongi. Rushing to him along with Yoongi, we see footprints and judging by the smell it belongs to the omegas.

Did they run away. We all dash rapidly into the forest, mood lightened up a little bit. If they were able to actually run away, many alphas would be relieved that their mates are back.

We were surrounded by the dense forest, the sound of crickets and birds chirping echoing. The smell was lost. All we could do now was to search every nook and cranny of this forest.

Frustration was taking over me as no trace of the omegas was seen. It was like if they vanished into thin air. I brainstorm myself trying to think of one of the most obvious places they could be at.

I continue walking in the forest, more determined than ever to find the members of my pack. Strolling, I feel an unsteadiness on the land and realization hits me and I yell for Yoongi and Hoseok.

We push the grass that was well place over the now obvious hole away. Jumping down into the dark hollow hole, we try to search around for any traces of omegas. Their smells are reeking so much inside this place that I would bet they are here.

We turn on the torch of our phones to see a long path leading to somewhere. Without thinking, we head there. The only thing in our mind right now was to find them and get the fuck away from here.

"Aaaaaahh ! Yoongi ! Yoongi! Help me !!" Hoseok runs behind Yoongi and clings on his arm when a group of bats emerge from the darkness of the cave.

"And you call yourself an alpha." Yoongi mocks and scoff also making me chuckle. He really is one of the biggest cowards on earth, Jimin following.

We go back to being serious as soon as we see a group of 10 naked men omegas hugging each other for warmth, their clothes shabby and dirty on them. The most surprising thing is that some of them do not even belong to our pack.

"Master !!" My pack members call out as soon as they caught glimpse of me. The other unknown omegas just stares at us as we help our family out, making them get out of this cave without causing a single wound on them.

"Where are your pack leaders ?" I ask frowning at their bodies. They seem undernourished as if they were here way before the ones from my pack.

"They sold us to them..." They state, some of them starting to sob. What kind of pack leaders do that to what is supposed to be their family for money.  

"Follow us. Be a part of our pack." I smile to them warmly giving to what seemed to be their leader. They return the smile, at the brink of tears and we all get out of this trashy place.

To Be Continued
Short chapter but Jungkook and Taehyung pov are coming up again

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