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"How was the concert last night?" My best friend Solana asked. I shrugged "I went with my mom so you know".

"Damn... your hot ass dad couldn't go with you? He's so chill" she said. I mean mugged her for that comment. Solana from day one had a crush on my dad. Saying he looks like he kills people on the side. She's crazy. "What? Don't act like you don't know how I feel about your fine ass daddy".

"Solana?!. Come on! That's nasty" I said.

"Whatever your mom is so lucky to have someone like him... I hope I can some day too" she joked.

"I hate you!" I playfully said.

My brothers and I were all in the same school. Sometimes I wouldn't even care that they were there until they actually talk to me. "Zahrie yo, you got five dollars real quick?" Maddox came running over to me.

"And why don't you have money?" I asked.

"Because since someone was rushing me this morning I forgot my wallet at home" he said.

"Here" handing him the money. He walked away quickly meeting up with his friends and Liam. Solana shook her head "I'm telling you if I didn't know y'all I wouldn't think you guys were related".

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you all look different. But we can give thanks to your sexy ass dad for that". This girl needs help forreal. "Oh did you start your project yet?".

"No because my parents refuse to discuss anything about my grandparents. I don't understand why" I opened my locker getting my books out.

"What's the big secret?" Solana asked.

Shrugging my shoulders "I have no idea. But they are about to get me an F for this project". I felt someone tap me on shoulder. Turning around I see him. "Hey" I said.

"Hey, beautiful. what's up Solana?" He said.

"Mmhmmm" she said back.

He raised his brow "well I was thinking maybe he can go on a date on Friday. Is that cool with you?".

I nodded "yes of course".

He smiled "cool.. see you later beautiful". I could've melted in his hands. Solana cleared her throat "and how the hell are you going to tell your parents this one?".

"My mom is cool. She knows about him. But my dad no he can't know" I said.

"I'm not lying to your sexy ass dad. I wouldn't feel right" Solana said. Sighing cause she was not lying. When it comes to my dad she won't lie for me.

"I got this don't worry" closing my locker we went to lunch.


When I got home Solana came over as well. My dad greeted us "What's up girls?". Solana almost fainted when he was with no shirt on. "Someone was working out?".

"I was... I like to be fit" my dad said.

Solana licked her lips "for sure". Nudging her she cleared her throat "well see you". My dad scrunched his face looking at Solana. "Lord that was close. Tell your dad next time he comes around me with no shirt on it's on".

"He came from the gym. Gurl you need to chill out" I said. "Thirsty?".

"After what I just saw... hell yeah!". Grabbing the juice out the fridge my mom came into the kitchen. "Oh shit it's Solana!!! What up girl?".

"This is why I like your mom, zahrie she's madd cool" my mom smiled "so How was school?".

"The usual" I said.

"Good as long as you girls are focusing and getting good grades that's all I care about".

"Oh mom Listen I'm trying not to fail this project so I need some info on my grandparents!" I pleaded. My mom looked at her phone "I have to take this. I'll catch up with you girls later". Closing my eyes and shaking my head "see what I mean".

"Looks fishy. It's like they're hiding something" Solana said.

"I'm not about to fail this project cause they want to hold secrets. I'll just do it myself" Solana and I went upstairs to my room. Since I got home before everyone else it was nice to have some quiet time.



Whew! Thank god for my phone to have an incoming call. Damn girl has been harassing me about his grandparent thing for a week now. Can't she just make up some shit and put it on paper.  Not like the teacher will know it's fake. Zahrie was always the one to follow rules.

Elijah came out the shower with a towel around his waist "when her friends are here you can't be walking around like this".

"Why not?" He asked.

"Cause her friends are teenage girls. I know Solana is crushing on you hard. Poor girl can't find her voice when you are around".

He smiled "cute".

"Has zahrie been bugging you about this project she has to do?" I asked.

"No.. what project?" He took off the towel and started getting dressed. I was losing focus.

"Something about a family tree. And she said she needs info about her grandparents on both sides" Elijah dropped the brush and turnt to me "what did you tell her?".

"Nothing I've been avoiding her when she ask me about it" I said.

"Good, keep avoiding her. Hopefully she'll make something up" he said.

"Not zahrie. Maybe the other three would. But zahrie  follows the rules. So we have to come up with something soon". He sat on the bed and looked into space. "I didn't think this would come up".

"Me either. I mean when did they start doing family trees in school anyway?" I asked.

A knock at the door interrupted us. "What?".

"It's me mom" Zahrie said. Oh lord here we go. I opened the door "yes?".

"Well since you both want me to fail I'll just get the info myself" she said. There are times with zahrie getting older that I wanted to just shake her up but I knew I couldn't.

"Zahrie Listen it's not that we don't want to tell you anything about our parents... but it's a touchy subject for us both" Elijah lied. Zahrie has her arms folded and looking at Elijah like she didn't believe anything he just said.

"Right... I refuse to fail this project. So either I'm fishing for the info or one of you will be telling me names".

I looked at Elijah who looked at me "good luck with the search" I said. She stomped her feet and walked out our room. This little girl don't scare me. She better recognize who she's messing with. "Having these Nosey ass kids was all your idea" I pointed at Elijah. He smiled "nosey just like you".

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