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"Damn so your fine ass daddy caught you on that date?" Solana asked.

"I'm going to ignore the fact you called my dad fine ass. But yeah I was trying to sneak out but the stupid waiter was there with a tray and well you know the rest" I said.

"Wow do you got grounded then... damn zahrie" she seemed so upset but I knew why. "That means I can't come over there for two weeks!".

"Pretty much. It's whatever and then they tried to force me to switch my history class saying Mr. Jones is an idiot". Solana looked at me and shrugged "well that is weird".

"I know and they're definitely hiding something from me" I said.

Our history teacher came walking in smiling "hello class! How are your projects coming?". I sighed loudly cause I don't know if I'll be able to do mine"

"Zahrie How is your project coming?" He asked.

"Eh, not so good. Honestly I don't think ill be able to do it" I said. He frowned "oh I'm sorry to hear that".

"Yeah me too..." Solana looked at me and gave me a small smile. "Zahrie Listen, I know you're a good student so I would hate to see you fail. So how about I'll give you an extra week to do it?".

"Really?!" I asked cause he was being so nice.

He nodded "yes I am. Only because your are serious about your grades. Unlike Solana who doesn't care much"

"Uh-uh teach how you going to throw me under the bus?" She said.

"Just stating facts" he said.

"But it's just my parents they won't tell me anything about my past..." I said.

"Well ask them again and if you get nothing then o guess we can always go to the library and see what we can find, deal?".

I nodded "yes thank you so much!". After our exchange he started teaching the class. I was so happy that at least someone was going to try and help me


When I got home both of my parents were home. My mom was in the kitchen with Sadé. "Mom I really need you to help me with my project!" I whined.

She rolled her eyes "are you still on this?. Did you ever think there's a reason why daddy or I won't help you?".

"Cause you both are weirdos?!" I asked.

"Oh no she didn't mommy. Get the belt" Sadé said.

"Shut up!" I said.

"Both of you Shut up and zahrie for your own food I can't help you. You'll be unlocking a lot of things by doing this. And once you do that I'm not getting myself involved".

"Okay... so are you helping or no?"I asked.

"Hell no! Now go do something with yourself" she said. I stormed upstairs cause now I was pissed. Bumping right into my dad "sorry".

"Why are you stomping like that?" He asked.

"Because none of you wants to help me with this damn project!" I yelled.

"First off watch yourself. Secondly, fine you want the names I'll give it to you but don't tell mom, okay?".

I nodded "finally! Okay let me get a pen and paper" running into my room and grabbing a pen and paper and meeting my dad in the hallway. "Okay go!".

"My moms name is Lisa James. I don't know my dad. And your moms mom is Cindy and her dads name is Lamont". I hugged my dad so tight he just saved me from getting an F.



I felt bad for lying to my daughter but she would t quit asking. So hopefully she doesn't catch on that these are fake names. But at least it'll hold her over. Jaelynn was in our bedroom looking for something.

"So I just gave her the names" she turnt to look at me with wide eyes "no you didn't?". I smiled "Nah I lied to her but shit at least it'll stop her from asking". Jaelynn sighed "oh thank god".

"Hopefully she doesn't figure out the names are fake. But all she has to do is put it on the paper. Unless that teacher does his research and knows the names are fake".

"Baby, you are thinking way too much into this. Just let us wait and see what happens" I said.

"You do know once she finds out it's going to be hell in this house for a couple of days" she said. I nodded "I know. I know"

Maddox came into the room "ma I don't feel well" he plopped on our bed. "Aww poor baby what's wrong with you?".

"I feel hot and my body is achy" he said. Jaelynn walked over to him putting her hand on his forehead. "You are burning up". He whined "it's so hot in here".

"Maddox let me go get the thermometer and some medicine I'll be back" he nodded and laid on the bed.  Jaelynn came back a short time later and got in the bed with Maddox. She checked his temp and instantly gave him some medicine. After that she held him. "My baby is sick".

Shaking my head "not like he can't go into his own room and be sick".

"Elijah stop it" she said. Maddox is Jaelynn's favorite. From the time he was born they always had a weird connection. She may not show it but I know he's her favorite out of all kids. And the way she's holding him shows it.

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