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I couldn't even think straight. After what my parents told me I was shocked. Always joking that they are killers but I never thought they would be for real.

"Zahrie I've been calling your name for a good minute now" Solana said.

"Huh? Oh sorry..." I said.

"What the hell is going on in that head?" She asked.

"Nothing... just had a rough night" I lied. She raised her brow at me "Uh Huh... I must be stupid".

"Never said you was. But seriously I just had a rough night. You know how crazy my house is" I joked.

She nodded "True". We sat in history class just working on a text book assignment. "Zahrie can you come up here please" Mr. Jones asked. I was a little scared knowing my parents roughed him up not too long ago.

"Yes?" I asked standing in front of his desk.

"So have you decided about doing the project over?" He asked. Just looking at him the vibe he was giving off was making the hair on my neck stand up. "I said I'll take the grade I already have. I mean one D won't hurt my grade point average".

He shook his head "I thought you was a very serious student who cared about her grades? But I see you are just like everyone else here".

"Listen don't come at me with that crap just because I won't do what you say. You're just a teacher. Not my mom or my dad. So in the end I don't really have to listen to you" this man got me fucked up.

"Talk about your parents I should press charges against them for what they did the other day. But since I'm a nice guy I won't. But I would love if you at least tried to do the project over" he said.

"Do you know what no means?. Do you want me to look it up?" I asked. This man slammed his fist on the table making everyone jump. "Someone is mad... is this meeting over?". He didn't say anything I just walked away and back to my seat. "What the hell was that?" Solana asked.

Shrugging my shoulders "I guess spoil brat behavior". We both shared a laugh causing him to look straight at us. I rolled my eyes and continued on the book assignment.



Damn kids just leave everything laying around. I swear it's like having babies. Sadé is always leaving her dolls around. I think I broke one already which I have to dispose of before she gets home. Zahrie came in slamming the door.

Jaelynn yelled from upstairs "who is slamming doors in this house?". Shaking my head zahrie looked sorry for that. "No one..." I yelled.

"It better be no one! People slamming doors like they pay bills here" she yelled back. Zahrie sat with me at the table "dad... this teacher is crazy. He keeps insisting I do the project over. And he tried to manipulate me too".

"Say what?!" I said getting up.

"Yeah, but he doesn't understand how bad my attitude can get... well he saw it today. And he got so upset he slammed his fist on the table". Oh hell no! Jaelynn came down the stairs "Hold up? Isn't it early for you to be home?".

"Leave her alone she had a hard day" I said.

"What happened?" She asked. Explaining to her what zahrie just said. "Uh Uh... lets go beat him up. Who does he think he is?" Jaelynn said grabbing her coat.

"Relax, and put the coat down... we have to be slick with this one" I said.

"Didn't you try and zahrie caught you?" Jaelynn said.  "Let's just do this the old fashion way. You know the way we used to do it back in the day". Zahrie face palmed her self "my life was once normal until now".

"Oh stop complaining! When you can go to school and no one messes with you you'll thank us" Jaelynn said. The rest of the kids came through the door. Maddox brought another kid with him "yup there they are".

"Oh snap you wasn't lying! How many people have they killed?" The young man asked. Jaelynn grabbed Maddox "are you crazy?!".

"What? I told him and he wanted to see for himself" he said.

"Maddox I'm going to count to three and this boy better be out of my house... one... two..." Jaelynn said. Maddox knee she wasn't playing he quickly told the boy he was lying and pushed him out the door.

"And you guys was worried about me opening my mouth" Zahrie said.

"Maddox we will deal with you after we deal with Zahrie. And let's just say you are going to be grounded until your eighteen!" Jaelynn said. Maddox sucked his teeth and went upstairs. "Lord where did we go wrong with that one?".

"Told y'all something was wrong with him... you guys never listen" Zahrie said.

"Just like someone else I know... and now because she didn't listen she's in a tough situation" Jaelynn said.

"Can we forget about that and focus on the real issue at hand? So what's going to happen to this history teacher?" Zahrie asked.

"That's none of your business. Just go upstairs do your homework and let us worry about that" Jaelynn said. Zahrie got up and ran upstairs all happy. "For her not listening we should just let her handle it herself".

"Are you crazy? Zahrie wouldn't know what to do first" I said.

"That's what you think. The girl is very smart and she has a attitude as well. But fine, we take this man down. As for Maddox he's going to get it. That boy is too much".

"He comes from you. What do you expect?" I said.

"That's getting old now" she said.

"Well let's go handle him and then we can plan on what we are going to do to this asshole" I said. We both got up and made our way upstairs.

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