Chapter 14 (Skipped chapter 13 cuz i HATE that number)

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We drove all day having to stop every three or four hours for restroom breaks. The sun just began to go down. I realized that we no longer had blankets or ropes. We had left them in the old tree when we made our escape.

"Baby, we need blankets. It's cold and we can't leave the truck running all night." I said tiredly.

"Yeah I know. But I'm not sure if I want to risk stopping to find some. I don't know we're an empty place were blankets would be." He said.

"Well let's find a store, it's big yes but people would be smart enough to leave town in time." I said. Dallas nodded his head before he spoke.

"You have a point but what about Jenesa? The zombies are more active at night and we are not leaving her alone. And we are not going in with her or alone." He said. I began to get frustrated but he had a point.

"Maybe if we find a house farther out of town?" I suggested shrugging my shoulders.

"Sounds like a plan. But we are gonna drive through all night." He said.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked.

"On the news the day everything happened they announced that there was going to be a boat. The disease has only spread throughout America. The boat will take us to India. And the boat is waiting at a port in Texas." He said. I was glad I finally got an answer out of him but I wasn't happy with his decision to just run away.

"You know there is a lab out there? Scientists have already come up with a cure. But they never thought they'd need it and disposed of it. But there is no doubt in my mind that they still have the formula." I said happily.

"Babe you are crazy! I know they did but I'm not going to risk it. What are the chances that it never existed?" He said raising his voice at the end.

"Well what are the chances that the boat is actually there?! The Dallas I know and love would never just run away. So why are you doing it now?" I said angrily. He never answered and we. Pulled into a drive way to an abandoned house. He quickly got out of the truck and slammed the door. I got out quickly and I stood in front of him.

"You really think ignoring me is going to help?" I said trying to stay calm.

"Your thinking strait! Think about Jenesa! Do you really want to risk her life trying to find a formula that probably doesn't even exsist?!" He yelled. Dallas towered over me but I stood my ground.

"But what is the chances of the boat even being there? It's been awhile. They probably already left." I said. Dallas nodded his head and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry baby, your right. I just want to do what's right for our family. I don't want to risk putting you or Jenesa in danger." He said pulling me into his arms .

"Yes I understand baby, but you need to understand that I can fix this. We can fix this. You have to take risks at times even if you don't want too." I said wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"I don't want to take that risk baby, I can't live with myself if I put you in danger." He said kissing the top of my head.

"I know baby, we will continue this conversation later. We need to get food and supplies before we go." I said still hugging him. He nodded his head and me and him turned to the house.

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