Chapter 17

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My vision was blurry as I slowly opened my eyes to find Dallas asleep next to me. My leg hadn't been bleeding for awhile and was wrapped in bandages.

"How long have we been here?" I asked myself. I must have moved cause just then Dallas began to tighten his grip around my hand. I turned to look at him and it wasn't till that very moment I saw how sad and scared he really was. Suddenly a remembered Jenesa. I shook Dallas awake and before he could even look me in the eyes im shouted, "where is Jenesa?!"

Dallas then looked me in the eyes and softly said, "she is just fine. Your the one you should be worried about. Things just went from bad to worse and I don't know what to do." He said with a choked voice. "Truth is Alivia, I'm scarred. I can't loose my family but I can't protect them either." He said sadly with his eyes beginning to water. Before I spoke I squeezed his hand harder and looked him in the eyes.

"I love you so much Dallas. And you are doing all you can and I can see that. We could have died if we stayed but you made the decision to leave and because of you me and Jenesa are safe." I said convincingly.

"Safe?! What the hell do you mean safe!? You just got shot and right now we are in the middle of a fucking zombie infestation! There is nothing safe about this!" He yelled. I was shocked with his random out burst and I didn't know what to say. So I just put my hands together and sat there silently. I couldn't even look him in the eyes.

Just then Luke walked into the room calm as can be. "Oh I'm sorry am I intruding?" He said with a strong British accent. I took a quick glance at Dallas before I spoke. "No not at all."

"Great cause I made you all a steamy hot breakfast." He said with a smile. "Sounds gr-"

"We will be there in just moment." Dallas interrupted. "Sounds great. The dinning hall is just around the corner to your right," Luke said before leaving the room. Once the white door closed Dallas put his hand on my cheek as he leaned over and kissed me deeply. I got lost in the kiss. Everything around us disappeared, all the trouble, the worried, and the fear. It was gone. Dallas wrapped his arms around me pulling me in closer and suddenly the pain jolted up my leg with excruciating pain. I pulled out of the kiss and began to gasp in pain and soon enough I began to cry. Not just because of the pain. But because I realized just how much trouble we were in. I was scarred and I didn't want to loose my family. With a worried look Dallas laid me back down on the bed and gave me a kiss on the forehead before he rushed out of the small room. I didn't know were he was going or why but I was in to much pain and to lost in my thought to really care. I was scared.

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