Chapter 7

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Rain drops hit the roof of the truck like bullets. The rain didn't stop, it just came down harder and harder. I looked back to find Jenesa asleep in her pink car seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked quietly.

"I honestly don't now. I plan on going somewhere with a lot of space and open area." Dallas said tiredly. I nodded and looked forward at the line of cars and trucks in front of us. The traffic had almost completely stopped. Some people have even got out and started to walk. We shouldn't have moved to Vegas. If everyone changed, then we would be fucked.

"Baby why don't we walk? We aren't getting anywhere and god knows how much time we have before it's to late." I said. Dallas turned to me and looked back at Jenesa before he spoke.

"I want to do what's best for us. So why don't we wait out the rain and we will head out when it's clear." He said confidently. I nodded and looked out the window. It was dark and gloomy and not a bit of sunlight shown through the dark cloud. It would take about an hour to clear. So I leaned my head against the window and tried to sleep. Just before I was asleep a roar of screams and footsteps came from behind the truck. I looked back and hundreds if not thousands of people and children came running. They were being chased and I knew we had to go. I reached for the door handle but Dallas stopped me.

"Don't we will be fine, just crawl to the back." He said surprisingly calm. "How is he always so calm?" I asked myself. I nodded and crawled over the seat to the sleeping Jenesa. I unbuckled her and took her in my arms.

"Now get down and stay quiet," Dallas said scooting down in his seat. I did as he asked. Just then, thousands of people came rushing around the truck. They bumped and collided into each other. Then the real problem came. Millions of zombies came rushing by. But they seemed to look younger than the one Dallas had killed. They moved faster and looked even deadlier. They moved faster than the people not to far ahead of them. After five minutes of terrified screams everything went silent. I could hear the heavy breathing from Jenesa, she was terrified. I hadn't even known she woke up.

"Don't move," Dallas whispered looking out the window above me. Just then a hand landed on the window making me jump. The creature kept moving meaning it hadn't seen us. Once the creature was gone I couldn't help but look out the window. No survivors. Nothing but a pool of blood and missing limbs.

"Get down!" Dallas silently yelled. I did as he said.

"What do we do?" I asked silently. Dallas looked at me as then glanced out the window ahead of him.

"We wait it out. They can't stay here forever," he said.

"How long do you think it will be?" I asked. Dallas only shrugged his shoulders. I know he didn't know. And I knew he was scared but he didn't show it. He slowly crawled to the back seat. He pulled me and Jenesa into him. Jenesa layed on his lap and Dallas wrapped his arms around me. We all slept together. We shook and shivered but we couldn't start the engine to warm us fearing the creatures would come after us. Just before I fell asleep Dallas kissed me. I prayed to god this wouldn't be our last kiss.

"I love you," I whispered holding back tears.

"I love you too, now get some sleep," he whispered back. I leaned into his chest and fell to sleep.

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