Chapter 19

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After breakfast Luke had led me and my family to a room upstairs. There was a king size bed in the center of the room with large windows on either side. The walls were a deep purple with gray carpet. There was a giant dresser against the wall to our left and on our right a fully functional bathroom.

"This is were you guys can stay, Jenesa will stay in the same room with Alice. But we will have rules which we will discuss later tonight." Luke said with a strangely strait face. He turned to leave the room and before he left he gave me a small smile.

"How's your leg?" Dallas asked me concerned. I was in pain but I was more concerned as to what we do next.

"I'm fine, just a bit sore." I say as Dallas set me down on the giant king size bed. The silky black sheets and the fluffy set of pillows relaxed me. I looked to Dallas and patted the bed,

"Join me," I said smiling. Dallas gave a small smile and climbed in next to me. He wrapped his right arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. I rested my head on his chest and soon drifted off to sleep.


I awoke to a gun shot. Dallas had jolted me awake and was already to the door when another went off. Once Dallas reached the door the shooting has stopped. A few seconds of silence and fear went by before Calub entered the room.

"Sorry about the shooting. We had a few walkers enter out boundaries and we couldn't risk letting them by." Calub says in a strong British accent. Another moment of silence.

"What time is it?" I ask breaking the silence. Dallas looked at his wrist and respond with the time, "it's 9 o'clock." He says still looking at Calub.



"Something wasn't right here," I said in my head. "Something about that man I just couldn't trust. I need to know what's really going on." I thought. I never broke eye contact with Calub. Instead I just wondered what he was hiding and what it was I didn't like about him. The room went silent and I could feel calubs cold stare.

"Luke said we were to have a meeting?" Alivia said breaking the silence once again.

"Yes why don't we settle down in the living room," Calub said staring at Alivia. This enraged me. Why was he staring at her?! I quickly walked over and picked Alivia up in my arms. She whimpered in pain but I was furious. Not with her, but with Calub. I walked down the stairs in a quick pace.

"Dallas slow down!" Alivia yelled. "Why are you in such a rush?" I didn't respond. I was to angry. Once we made it to the living room I sat her down on a small leather couch. Calub followed and took a seat in a matching recliner. Once everyone settled luke walked in.

It was late at night and the only light was coming from the fireplace and the moonlit sky.

"Sorry to make you wait," Luke said. "As you can tell we are in the middle of and obvious attack of the dead. But, there is a way to fix this." As once as Alivia heard this she nudged my shoulder. She still believed there was a cure. But there isn't.

"Me and Calub have a plan. There is a huge medical center in Texas. It has the chemicals needed to create this cure." He staring at Alivia. I was only even more furious with his actions. I could tell Alivia felt awkward, but there's noting she could have done. So she stared back. This only made luke smile.

"Enough with the staring and get to the damn point!" I yelled. I was furious and I couldn't let him and his idiotic brother to this to my wife!

"I am sorry Mr.Strasser," Luke said turning his attention towards me.

"Anyways, we need a way to get there. And your truck is what we need. We can connect our trailer and drive across country." Luke said. I didn't want to have to drive across country with these two. I didn't trust them. I didn't trust them near my family.

"We will leave in two days and not a day earlier." Like said walking away.

"Would you like some help?" Calub asked Alivia. Before she could answer I swooped her off the couch and responded for her. "She most certainly does not need your help when I'm around," I said starring him in the eyes. I stormed off with Alivia upstairs to our bedroom.

"You ok baby?" Alivia asked with concern.

"Yes I'm alright, I just don't like how they look at you. They stare you down like a hungry lion and your the cute helpless gazelle." I said gritting my teeth. Alivia didn't respond. She knew I was right but didn't know what to say.

"I don't want to leave with them." She said sternly.

"Me neither," I say walking towards the bed. I set her down and walked to the other side of the bed. Before climbing into bed I stripped of my shirt and pants. Alivia did the same and crawled into the soothing bed. As I held her in my arms she drifted off to sleep. The soft moonlight glistening off her skin made her look so beautiful. Her chest rose and sunk to her breathing and for once in a long time; she seemed relaxed. She felt safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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