Chapter 15

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I had no more arrows and all I had was a small pocket knife. Dallas had a handgun with only a few shots left and a pocket knife as well.

"Stay close," he said to me before he opened the door slowly. It was cold and dark inside. It was quiet too. We took a few steps in with the floor boards creaking under our feet. Before I went in farther I turned around and looked at the truck and hoped Jenesa would be ok for a second. I prayed that it wouldn't be the last time I ever saw my little girl.

"You o.k?" Dallas asked concerned. I turned and nodded my head. Suddenly a loud terrified scream came from above. There was obviously a flight of stairs here somewhere. But we couldn't even see our hands in front if our faces.

"Let's go!" Dallas yelled grabbing my arm and jerking me towards the door way. We could see the moonlight peaking through the door. We had almost made it until someone fired at us. The bullet tore through the side of my right leg. I fell to the ground and I screamed out in pain. Before another shot could be fired Dallas yelled.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

An older male that looked about 20 walked out of the shadows and into the light. He looked down at me and his eyes filled with tears.

"I am so sorry!! I thought you guys were walkers!" He cried out falling to his knees. Dallas knelt down and pulled me into his arms.

"You have bad aim you fucking asshole!" I yelled still crying.

"Come with me. I can help." He said reaching his arms out to pick me up.

"Don't fucking touch her you asshole!" Dallas yelled angrily.

"I'm a doctor I can help," the man said. Dallas looked down at me and then at my leg.

"Please let me help," he said. Dallas was silent for a second.

"Help her. You make one wrong move and I'll blow your fucking head off!" He yelled before picking me up.

"Follow me," the man said. Dallas followed reluctantly. The pain was unbearable. I tried not to cry or scream out in pain but that was impossible. My leg was cold and wet with blood. We made it to a small room and the man instructed Dallas to lay me on a small bed.

"What about Jenesa?" I managed a whisper.

"I'll go back for her in a moment," Dallas said still angry. I looked over my shoulder to see the man looking through a cupboard. He pulled out a needle and a small vial. The man filled the needle and approached me.

"Wait what is that?! What are you doing?!" Dallas yelled stopping the man.

"This will put her to sleep so I can get the bullet out of her thigh and stitch her up." The man said calmly. Dallas nodded his head and looked down at me. I was still crying but I managed to stop screaming. I didn't want to cry and I did my best to stop. But leg was filled with pain and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Everything is going to be o.k. I love you." Dallas said sadly. Before I could respond he kissed me just before the man dug the needle into my arm. Surprisingly it didn't hurt. The room began to get dark and blurry. I couldn't move and I could talk. I tried to say "I love you," to Dallas but nothing came out. He held onto my hand and he never let go.

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