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Note: WARNING. This short story contains a little spoiling of the third book of Divergent. So if you don’t want any, do not read further. IF YOU DO, NOT MY FAULT ANYMORE. Anyway to those who will read, enjoy! :) P.S. Sabaw and just really short.


"Why? Why are you crying? God Julie, please stop crying."

His voice just made it worse for her. She cried even more. She just finished reading, ‘Allegiant’, the third and final book for the Divergent series.

"Sshh. It’s okay. You’re okay. Stop crying, baby."

She relaxed for a minute and stared into space. After a few seconds, her eyes teared up again.

"I just can’t believe it. This sucks, Moe. I hate this. I’m never going to be okay because of this." She wiped a few tears from her eyes and continued, "I just finished TFIOS last Monday, Elmo. That was pretty hard to take but I never knew that this one would be.. would be.."

And for the one millionth time, she bursted out to tears.

Elmo can’t do anything about what Julie is going through. He knows how big of a bookworm his girlfriend is but he never thought that she would really be this affected so he just pulled her in for a warm hug.

"It was all David’s fault! He was such an asshole! She was amazing, Elmo. Ugh, why did she even think of going instead of.. ugh! Dammit!"

She screamed and punched against his chest.

"Jules, not every book would end in a happy ending. They are written using people’s twisted minds, you know."

Julie looked up to Elmo, determination written on her face, aside from the tears and the sadness from her eyes as she started to speak once again. “I wasn’t against on what Tris did, Elmo. I just felt really bad for Four, Tobias. Losing someone that you’ve loved for the longest time possible is not easy to take and I can’t even describe how their love was. I just know that it’s love, it’s powerful, it’s real.”

"Should I be Tobias then? Just to show you how much real my love for you is?"

"No. Tobias is Tobias. You’re Elmo. My Elmo." She said, trying to stop tears from falling.

"Then why are you still upset?"

"Because I have you. Tobias doesn’t have Tris anymore. That sucks."

"He still does, Jules. Within his heart, she will always be there. Their love was within the right person at the right time, not the perfect moment, also didn’t had the perfect ending but they are still loving, Julie. Tobias is Tobias. Tris is Tris. They never stopped. I don’t think they will."

She smiled upon her eyes that are filled with unfallen tears.

"Just like my love for you. Julie, you’re my Tris. You’re brave and stubborn but that’s what I love about you. So stop feeling bad for Four or Tobias or whatever his name is. Just remember that Tris will always be there for him. Always."

She cupped my cheeks and pulled me in for a simple yet meaningful kiss. “Thank you. I love you, my Elmo.”

"Anything for you, Ms. Divergent."

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