Matt meets Lita

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Matt's POV

I just had my first match and now I was making my way back to my locker room when I saw a girl sitting on a box of equippment with tears in her eyes I walked up to her she jumped when she saw me.

Matt: are you okay?

???: I'm fine why?

Matt: you have tears in your eyes

???: oh it's nothing 

Matt: i can tell you're lying

???: how? You only just met me

Matt: I know but I still can tell that something is wrong

???: I don't know your name

Matt: my bad the name is Matt Hardy

???: I'm Lita

Matt: well Lita what's wrong?

Lita: it's nothing promise

Matt: okay *not believing it but plays along* well if you need to talk 

Lita: thanks Matt

Matt: no problem

I carried on walking to my locker room.

*In the Hardyz locker room*

I walked in and saw Jeff on the leather sofa that is in there he was on his phone.

Matt: hey

Jeff: hey 

Matt: as I walking back here I saw a diva

Jeff: which one?

Matt: her name is Lita 

Jeff: isn't that the girl who John was on about?

Matt: I think so

Jeff: what happened?

Matt: she had tears in her eyes

Jeff: what did you do?

Matt: I walked to her and asked her if she was okay she says she was fine and I didn't believe her so I said to her that if she needs anything I will be here to help her

I sat down by my brother and we just started talking well I was telling him a bit more about the conversation with Lita

End of POV

Lita's POV

I was backstage sitting on a box of equipment box I might have a few tears in my eyes but I am not gonna admit it but the reason why I have tears in my eyes is that I just got a text off my mum saying that my best friend had passed away and I couldn't believe it I rang her and asked her if it was a prank and she said no I just couldn't believe what I had heard that it was true. I was so much in thought I didn't see a guy next to me he scared me but he said that if I need anything then I could go to him and to be honest he is really sweet even though he had just met me not many guys are like that.

I was saw Trish when she saw me she instantly ran to me and hugged me.

Trish: oh Lita what's wrong?

Lita: my best friend

Trish: what about him?

Lita: he died yesterday 

Trish: oh Lita I'm so sorry

Lita: I couldn't believe it 

Trish: I know but think about it this way he wouldn't want you to sit around and mope because he would want to live your life to the fullest like you usually do and he would want to be happy and I will still be here for you.

Lita: thanks Trish I know I can count on you

Trish: no problem tell me the truth because I can sense that something else happened

Lita: let's go to our locker room

Trish nodded and we walked to our locker room.

*In Trish and Lita's locker room*

We walked inside and I closed the door.

Trish: well

Lita: well after I got that text and I got off the phone I was so much in thought that I didn't notice a guy walk up to me and when I got snapped out of my thoughts a guy that had black hair he must've been around 6ft 1 and he gave me a sweet smile and he asked me if everything was okay I lied and said that I was fine but he instantly knew that I was lying so he told me that if I ever needed to talk to anyone then I could go to him.

Trish: oh my gosh what was his name?

Lita: his name was Matt Hardy

Trish: I need to see this Matt Hardy

Lita: you gotta because he looks pretty cute

Trish: now I have got to see him *giggles*

Lita: *playfully rolls eyes*

Trish: *smiles* now come on the show is over let's go on the town

Lita: I like that

Trish got out of her ring gear and she wore a white crop top with a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with dark brown boots and got our stuff then walked out of our locker room and headed to the hotel that we were staying at.

*At the hotel*

We arrived and got out of the car and walked inside the hotel and went straight to our room to drop our things off and then go back out again.

Trish: where do you want to go?

Lita: anywhere

Trish: I know this pub and it is really good

Lita: did you go out on the town without me?

Trish: no I came here when I was 16 you know the summer holidays 

Lita: yeah

Trish: well I came here and we went into this pub and it was nice 

Lita: sweet 

Trish drove to the pub and what I saw was it was not like any other pub it was different to the others this one was posh the others that I know aren't they have drunk guys with pool tables and stuff like that this has 3 pool tables, 3 arcade games so basically it was like a arcade mixed with a restruant and a pub so 3 sections the far end was the arcade the next one was the restruant and the entrance was the pub.

Lita: wow

Trish: I know right 

Trish parked the car and we both got out and walked inside and we had a few drinks.

*At 11pm*

We decided to call it a night but none of us was okay to drive so we got a taxi but also a truck to tow Trish's car back to the hotel which they did. 

*At the hotel*

Me and Trish staggered out of the car and the driver of the truck pulled up and he unhooked Trish's car he then helped us to Trish's hotel room we thanked him then we laid down on our beds and fell asleep.

End of POV

Matt Hardy x Lita and Jeff Hardy x Trish StratusWhere stories live. Discover now