Trish gets bullied again

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Trish's POV

I just turned my phone on and I saw I had 18 messages off this number and it had harsh words in some of the words were "die, cry baby, weak" and more who is this and why are they sending these to me or are they meant for someone else but anyway I ignored the messages. 

I am a bit better from earlier I have calmed down anyway I was listening to music the song that was playing was 'centuries' by Fall out boy. I then saw the door open and in walked Lita so I turned my music down a bit and she smiled.

Lita: you feeling better?

Trish: what do you mean?

Lita: we saw what Chris said to you

Trish: oh that I am fine now

Lita: great do you want to hang out with us?

Trish: oh I would love to but I am tired *fake yawns*

Lita: oh okay I can drive you back to the hotel room

Trish; no Lita but thanks 

Lita: umm okay

I walked out from our locker room with my stuff and headed to the car I came in and went back to my hotel.

*At the hotel*

I parked the car grabbed all my stuff and took it to my room.

*In Trish's room*

I walked through the door and dropped everything down and sat on my bed I had my phone in my hands and I had 3 messages come through well 4 now.

*Text message*

Trish are you okay?

From Lita

*Text message*

Who do you think you are bitch going around everywhere thinking you are someone you're not

From ???

*Text message*

Trish we are worried about you please answer

From Jeff

*Text message*

Ha bitch you think you are so popular well you're not since no one likes you and no one will never ever like you.

From ???

Seriously who is this person and why do they have to pick on me like what have I done to them since I barely know them but anyway I put my phone on charge got fell asleep on the bed.

End of POV

Lita's POV

When Trish was out of sight I went back to the group and when they saw me they had a confused expression written on their faces.

Ashley: where's Trish?

Lita: she went back to the hotel

John: why?

Lita: she said she is tired

Matt: something is wrong

Lita: yup she said she would love to hang out with us but she tired and when I told her that I could drive her back to her hotel she instantly said no 

Jeff: does she normally say no?

Lita: she has never said no to me 

Ashley: we need to find out what is wrong 

Lita: and we need to find out fast I can't see my best friend hurt

Jeff: exactly my point she puts people's feelings and problems before hers and now she has let them over take her

John: how do you know?

Jeff: I have dealt with something like this before with Matt since he was similar and I helped him 

Matt: and I helped Jeff when he was similar

Lita: so how did you find out what was wrong with each other?

Jeff: well first we saw how we were both acting

Matt: then we confronted each other

Jeff: which didn't work first time around

Lita: then?

Matt: we had an argument but our dad told us to sort it out because we are brother's 

Lita: but?

Jeff: we then told each other that we there for each other and made sure that we were telling the truth and then we told each other what the problem was and we sorted it out together

Lita: we need to do something similar 

Ashley: come on Lita we better go to her hotel room

Lita: *nods* yeah

John: we're taking you

Ashley: okay 

We all got into John's car and he drove to Trish's hotel.

*Outside Trish's hotel*

Me and Ashley got out of the car.

Lita: you better stay here

Matt: okay but be careful

Lita: we will

We then walked inside the building and headed to Trish's hotel room.

*Outside Trish's hotel room*

I knocked on I had no answer so I tried again.

Ashley: just quietly open the door

I nodded and slowly and carefully opened the door we both walked in and saw Trish asleep.

Lita: damn 

Ashley: we better go

???: *yawns*

Trish turned the lights on she didn't look happy when she saw it was us.

Trish: what are you doing here?

Lita: we wanted to see how you were

Trish: you could've knocked

Lita: we did and we had no answer so we thought something was wrong

Trish: I am fine I'm just tired

Lita: something is wrong

Trish:  I will talk to you tomorrow but right now I want to go sleep

Lita: *nods* okay 

Then we walked out of the room and went to the guys.

End of POV

Trish's POV

Ashley and Lita walked out of the room I was about to go sleep when my phone lit up I checked it and it was that number again.

*Text message*

Does us a favour and stay away from everyone especially your little friends or else I would have to do something that I don't really want to do also keep out of everyone's business because you make things worse.

From ???

I sighed and put my phone down and looked up at the ceciling and sighed.

Trish: *whispers to herself* who is this person

I then stayed awake till 10pm I can't sleep with all this going on I guess I am going have to stay away from the group but how I don't know I mean I share a locker room with Lita, they sometimes catch me and start to talk to me, they would drag me to the Hardyz locker room.

End of POV

Matt Hardy x Lita and Jeff Hardy x Trish StratusWhere stories live. Discover now