Matt attacks Jeff

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Jeff's POV

I was walking backstage after my match against Edge and I was holding my side I was near Trish's locker room when I got attacked from behind I saw who it was and it was Matt.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I walked out of my locker room and I saw Matt hitting someone I looked closely and it was Jeff so I ran over to him and pushed him off Jeff.

Trish: Matt leave him alone

I glared at him and he glared back and I turned my attention to Jeff and then I get pushed away from Jeff then Matt shoved me against the wall and he hit me then I closed my eyes.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

When I saw Matt hit Trish I stood up and attacked him and I shoved him against the wall.

Jeff: don't you dare hit Trish again

Matt: she got in the way

Jeff: leave Trish alone

Then I let him go and he walked away and I ran to Trish since she is still unconscious so I carefully picked her up and took her back into her locker room Lita and Ashley are at the hotel since they didn't feel well.

Jeff: Trish?

I had no response

Jeff: Trish? Please wake up

Still no response from her.

Jeff: Trish wake up and tell me that you are okay

I sighed and went to get an official.

???: Jeff?

I turned around and walked up to her and she gave me a hug.

Trish: what happened?

Jeff: Matt hurt you

Trish: *looks down* why is he doing this?

Jeff: I'm not sure

Trish: *looks up* I want to get an explanation off him

Trish slowly stood up but I held her.

Jeff: you are not going to go to the ring

Trish: Jeff I have to because I know I won't be able to find him backstage I will have to call him out and see what is wrong and I won't give up till I find out because this isn't the Matt Hardy me and Lita met and it seriously not the Matt Hardy you grew up with.

Jeff: yeah I miss the old Matt

Trish: so please Jeff

Jeff: *sighs* okay but I am going down to the ring with you

Trish: okay

We walked out of the locker room and went to the curtain.

Me and Trish walked out from the curtain and Trish nearly fell but I saved her from the fall.

Jeff: Trish you don't have to come down to the ring

Trish: Jeff I just lost a bit of balance but I am fine

I didn't believe her but I played along. Me and Trish got to the ring I walked up the steps and held the bottom rope down for Trish she gave me a small smile once she got in the ring I followed.

J.R: I wonder what Trish and Jeff are out here for?

Trish: I am out here because I want Matt Hardy out here and give me an explanation of what he did to me

Matt walked out from the curtain and he didn't look happy he walked down the ramp and got into the ring.

Matt: what is it?

Trish: why did you hit me?

Matt: you got in the way

Trish: I was trying to split you and Jeff apart because you could've nearly killed him

Matt: so

Trish: Matt I know something is wrong and I know that the real Matt Hardy is in you but something happened and now you don't want to be near Jeff or your friends just tell me what's wrong

Trish placed her hand on Matt's shoulder but Matt just pushed her off him.

Trish: Matt don't you get it we want to help you but somehow you don't care did you even care about Jeff?

Matt: .......

Jeff: he doesn't

Then Matt rolled his eyes and got out of the ring we just looked at each other while Matt walked backstage I held the bottom rope down for Trish to get out she did once she gave back the microphones back.

End of POV

Matt's POV

I walked backstage and I just headed to my locker room which I share with Jeff anyway I walked through the door and I saw that note again I have gotten these notes saying that I should stay away from everyone especially my friends and Jeff.

I shook the thought away and then the door opened and it slammed shut I turned around and saw Jeff he wasn't happy.

Jeff: Matt how could you do that

Matt: done what?

Jeff: well you just basically showed everyone that you didn't care about your younger brother

Matt: Jeff....

Jeff: no Matt you have seriously just done that so I don't want anything off you

Then he walked out of the room only if I could tell Jeff about this but lately he won't believe me but Trish she might but I am not so sure.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I am in my locker room on my own because Jeff went to his locker room and the girls are at the hotel with John anyway I was listening to music. I still can't believe at what Matt has done it is just so shocking why would he do that to his own brother as well.

I then heard a knock at the door.

Trish: come in!

The door opened and in walked Matt.

Trish: what do you want?

Matt: ...

Trish: do you want to hurt me? Hit me? Shove me against the wall?

Matt: Trish I didn't mean any of that

Trish: Matt I wish I could believe you but lately I can't because of everything that has happened I'm sorry

Matt: okay but I understand

I nodded a little and he walked out of the room I sighed and sat down why is this happening I am friends with both of them but since they are arguing it is just so frustrating and I don't want to pick sides or anything I just hope that everything will go back to normal and there will be no more fighting like between the boys since we hate it when the boys fight because they have been close ever since they were young as the boys told me and Lita.

End of POV

Matt Hardy x Lita and Jeff Hardy x Trish StratusWhere stories live. Discover now